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More Entity Sheets

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@gmjosack gmjosack released this 15 Apr 04:10
· 1707 commits to main since this release

When extracting with the entity sheets option there are now way more entity specific sheets

New Entities Include:

  • Characters now include leaderboard menus
  • Big Monsters (alien queen, ammit, crab man, eggplat minister, giant clam, giant fish, giant fly, giant frog, giant spider, lamassu, lavamander, madame tusk, mummy, osiris, queen been, quill_back, waddler, yeti king, yeti queen)
  • Critters (anchovy, birdies, blue crab, butterfly, crab, drone, dung beetle, firefly, fish, locust, penguin, slime, snail)
  • Ghost (ghist, ghost, happy ghost, sad ghost, small angry ghost, small happy ghost, small sad ghost, small surprised ghost)
  • Monsters (alien, bat, bee, cat mummy, caveman, cobra, croc man, female jiangshi, firebug, fire frog, fly, flying fish, frog, golden monkey, grub, hang spider, hermit crab, horned lizard, imp, jiangshi, jump dog, leprechaun, magmar, man trap mole, monkey, mosquito, necromancer, octopus, olmite armored, olmite helmet, olmite naked, proto shopkeeper, robot, scorpion, skeleton, snake, sorceress, spider, tadpole, tikiman, ufo, vampire, vlad, witch doctor, witchdoctor skull, yeti)
  • People (body guard, hunduns servant, merchant, old hunter, parmesan, parsley, parsnip, shopkeeper, thief, yang)

This change is 100% contributed by @Malacath-92. Thanks for the awesome contribution!