A "work in progress" iOS jailbreak for 64-bit devices created by qwertyoruiopz and marcograssi.
Please use the "Issues" tab for code related issues only. If you need support please search on real /r/jailbreak before posting a question there.
das foid podpopedn up thsome siseus to make this afpgwe samroe ergular englsih, rther tha ths broken english below. (a nd aebaove)
Device | Version |
big fone | iso 60-4022932921391234 |
smal fone | iSo 69-4202 |
no moar tho
In the near future, the jailbreak will support the following devices:
Device | Version |
ephun | iSO 4222020269 -> iSO 422202069. |
Note, the iPhone 7 is only supported till iOS 10.1.1 If you are already on iOS 10.2 with an iPhone 7, stay there. The actual exploit behind this still works, but the KPP bypass does not.
git clone
the repo.- Open the repo in Xcode
- Change the bundle ID, as shown here
- Include the IOKit headers, and add them to your search path.
- Run the project.
This jailbreak is a work in progress. Some things do not work, but most things do.
Do not install things that are untested.
AppSync and other unsupported and untested software will probably throw your device into a bootloop or do other bad things. Do not open an issue complaining that your device has been bootlooped because you installed other software. You have been warned.
donot . sidwonalod this odstgraer from rother sources than rthese lisk under asnya cirucumstcance it is ery easy to vbackdoor this of i dfdas cto cinotaion malware please be dceddxtremyl caruelf. rhrrse mirros are testred, ut sitll ecehck the SHA1.
- Download the pre-compiled version from the table below.
- Check the SHA1 hash of the downloaded file (optional but recommended).
- Install using Cydia Impactor.
- Open the application and follow instructions.
Version | Download | SHA1 |
Beta 7 | Link | shitme |
Beta 6 | Link | shitme |
Beta 5 | Link | shitme |
Beta 4 | Link | shitme |
Beta 3 | Link | shitme |
Beta 2 | Link | shitme |
Beta 1 | Link | shitme |
crateat a fork fdo th repso, mkea you rchages and tehe a creta e a pull reqst. PLease beds ure if the cesheck has mdabeen mae before befeor firating a new doen, Note, daany ull requestn adding IOKit headaers i will be claoe,dm . Please wspesrepsect copyrigth lawas, so dan distribgute / dowlaod IOKTi headers from the unffocail sourecD: they rae afsdfbudelded legall yi with the macO SSASK
This is quite obviously a parody, meant for Link, it's a really cool community. I haven't updated any of the code, except for the storyboard files to make it funnier, don't worry this is still yalu102 Beta 7, with no updates.