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Releases: spaze/phpinfo

getFullPageHtml() and reading cookies to find session id

16 May 00:17
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  • Read $_COOKIE[session_name()] directly to find session id if session is not active (#13)

Previously, only the output from session_id() was sanitized, but session has to be started for the function to return anything. So now the cookie is also read directly, and I'd still recommend you explicitly add the string with something like addSanitization($this0>sessionHandler->getId(), '[***]') which is now mentioned in the README too.

  • Add getFullPageHtml() (#14)

getFullPageHtml() doesn't remove HEAD & BODY and preserve inline styles while still sanitizing what it's supposed to be sanitized. The method was added to make using this package easier in a simple pages like the old school /info.php with just <?php phpinfo();

The README now also warns that using getHtml() removes the HEAD element with the meta name="ROBOTS" tag, so you should somehow add it back. That's also why getFullPageHtml() was added.

Sanitizing arbitrary strings

10 Apr 02:35
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  • Can configure the sanitizer as a standalone object to sanitize arbitrary strings too (#12)

Support PHP 7.4-8.3

04 Apr 12:49
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  • Support PHP 7.4 too (#11)

Dark mode, CSS matches PHP 8.3

24 Mar 23:31
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This release updates phpinfo() CSS to match PHP 8.3, brings dark mode (#10)

Sanitize session id by default

15 Mar 01:38
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  • Sanitize session id by default, to protect against some session hijacking attacks. More strings can be added with addSanitization (#8, #9)

Support PHP 8.3

28 Oct 15:17
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What's Changed

PHP 8.0 required, 8.1 & 8.2 supported

27 Nov 02:23
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  • PHP 8.0+ is now required (#4)
  • 8.1 & 8.2 supported (#2 & #5)

PHP 8.0 support

26 Nov 01:10
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PHP 8.0 is now supported.

No other user-facing changes in this release.