This file is used to list changes made in each version of the iis_urlrewrite cookbook.
- Finish adoption into sous-chefs org
- Bump minimum required version to 15.3
- Update standardfiles
- Update workflow to 2.0.2
- Remove delivery folder
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Cookstyle fixes - @tas50
- Testing updates - @tas50
- Remove metadata.rb long_description field - @tas50
- IIS url overwrite URL changed - @publius-github
- resolved cookstyle error: metadata.rb:13:1 refactor:
- Support Windows 2016 installations by using the new urlrewrite package
- Test with Local Delivery and not Rake
- Add basic chefspec testing
- Fix the issue_url and source_url metadata
- Fix the metadata to state we support Chef 12.6+
- Add integration testing in Appveyer and remove Travis testing
- Remove the need for windows cookbook as a dependency
- Moved the repository to the chef-cookbooks organization
- Updated the recipe to use package instead of windows_package, which requires chef-client 12.6 or later now
- Added testing framework to get linting in Travis CI
- Added new metadata for the Supermarket