The Restro is an animated Restaurant Website
- Create a index file for home page
- Create css file and also add a image folder
- Add google fonts
- Add font awesome
- Add Scroll Reveal javascript
- Create a Logo for Website
- Design the Navbar
- Add humburger menu icon
- Add some javascript to toggle the Navbar
- Collect copyright-free images from Pixels
- Create a new scetion for Welcome message
- Create a Explore button
- Add a background image
- Style this section
- Create a info section
- A a image and some text
- Add Styles
- Create Recipes section
- Add a background image
- Add about us link
- Add some images of recipes
- Add Styles
- Create about us section
- Add Footer
- Add social media links
- Add newsletter section
- Add style
- Animate the images, Navbar, asterisk icon