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Tom Aldcroft edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 15 revisions

AGASC supplement

Manually adding a bad star and promotion process

Assume that a star ID has been found to be unacceptable through a manual process. For example star 839258056 from obsid 22728.

Get concurrence that the star is bad

Send email to ssawg@cfa that we are recommending that a star be added to the bad star list and removed from consideration for star selection. Get concurrence from PCAD SSE. (It is assumed ACA already agrees).

Update file

Work in a standalone Ska3 environment, i.e. NOT on HEAD network or with SKA data distinct from flight SKA data.

$CONDA_PREFIX/share/mica/ --bad-star-id=<ID> \
  --data-root $SKA/data/agasc [--dry-run] [--bad-star-source=..]

This auto-generates a source ID that will be entered into this wiki to identify the source provenance of why it was found to be bad. One can also specify this in advance using the --bad-star-source option.


Get into IPython, then:

from astropy.table import Table
import os
t =['SKA'], 'data', 'agasc', 'agasc_supplement.h5'), path='bad')

Confirm the new bad star is there.

For the Obsid where the star was originally selected, re-run proseco star selection and confirm that the star is not there.

from proseco import get_aca_catalog, characteristics
bad_id = <bad_star_id>
obsid = <obsid with bad star>
aca = get_aca_catalog(obsid)
assert bad_id in characteristics.bad_star_set
assert bad_id not in aca['id']


Send email with a description (transcript) of update process and testing to aca for review with cc: to ssawg. An ACA team member that did not make the update will review and (hopefully) approve with a reply-all.


Once approved, copy the new file to /home/aca/agasc_pending/agasc_supplement.h5:

scp $SKA/data/agasc/agasc_supplement.h5

Then make an at job to run on Sunday at 2pm.

aca-c3po-v% at 2pm Sun
ls -l /home/aca/agasc_pending/agasc_supplement.h5 /proj/sot/ska/data/agasc/agasc_supplement.h5
cp /home/aca/agasc_pending/agasc_supplement.h5 /proj/sot/ska/data/agasc/
rm /home/aca/agasc_pending/agasc_supplement.h5
ls -l /proj/sot/ska/data/agasc/agasc_supplement.h5
echo "Updated agasc_supplement.h5 has been installed"

At the time of making the at job, update the numbered list below to add the new bad star.

Index of source identifiers in bad table in agasc_supplement.h5

The number in the list below is the source identifier value in the table

  1. starcheck bad star list
  2. GAIA high proper motion file $SKA/analysis/gaia/agasc_gaia_xmatch_PM_gt_50mas.fits.gz. See: GAIA guide star crossmatch.ipynb
  3. Bad star 839258056: tracked poorly / not at all in 22728. See StarWorkingGroupMeeting2019x08x28.
  4. Bad star 1200885016: average observed mag 10.7 from 60+ observations (e.g. 22687).
  5. Bad star 613557312: This has failed 3/3 for acq, 2/2 for guide due to mag=5.5 (obsid 47858).
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