Version 3.53.1
This release includes chandra_models PRs #127, #128, and #129. None of these updates modify model performance.
- PR #127 updates the PLINE03T and PLINE04T caution high limits to match those listed in the TDB, and adds the TDB caution low limits.
- PR #128 updates several OBA limits to match the latest guideline and G_LIMMON updates.
- PR #129 updates the HRC CEA planning limit to 10C, consistent with the currently approved guideline.
Files Modified:
- chandra_models/xija/pline/pline03t_model_spec.json: Limit updates only
- chandra_models/xija/pline/pline04t_model_spec.json: Limit updates only
- chandra_models/xija/fwdblkhd/4rt700t_spec.json: Limit updates only
- chandra_models/xija/hrc/cea_spec.json: Limit updates only
- chandra_models/ version increment to 3.53.1
Files Added: None
Files Removed: None