Allow developers to introduce packet loss in linux network based on the NFQUEUE.
"To understand NFQUEUE, the easiest way is to understand the architecture inside Linux kernel. When a packet reach an NFQUEUE target it is en-queued to the queue corresponding to the number given by the --queue-num option. The packet queue is a implemented as a chained list with element being the packet and metadata (a Linux kernel skb):
- It is a fixed length queue implemented as a linked-list of packets.
- Storing packet which are indexed by an integer
- A packet is released when userspace issue a verdict to the corresponding index integer
- When queue is full, no packet can be enqueued to it
This has some implication on userspace side:
- Userspace can read multiple packets and wait for giving a verdict. If the queue is not full there is no impact of this behavior.
- Packets can be verdict without order. Userspace can read packet 1,2,3,4 and verdict at 4,2,3,1 in that order.
- Too slow verdict will result in a full queue. Kernel will then drop incoming packets instead of en-queuing them." ref(
#Dependencies (ref:
pip intall numpy
apt-get install build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
pip install NetfilterQueue
-if the above fails try
pip install -U git+ (
If installing for Python3 not set as default
pip3 install numpy
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
pip3 install NetfilterQueue
sudo python3 0.1