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Other Demo Scripts

Manuel Peuster edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 1 revision


  • son-sdk-catalogue locally running
  • son-cli installed and workspace configured to use SDK catalogue cat1
  • son-emu installed (or running in Vagrant VM)


# clone example service projects
git clone

Single Snort-based Demo

Used chain:

+----------+     +-----------+     +-----------+
| ns_input <-----> snort_vnf <-----> ns_output |
+----------+     +-----------+     +-----------+

What does it show?

  • Example service and its descriptors (NSD, VNFDs)
  • son-publish to SDK catalogue
  • son-package crating a *.son file
  • son-push to upload a package to son-emu and to instantiate it
  • son-emu to test/play around with the service and (optionally) re-configure the Snort VNF at runtime


cd ~/son-examples/service-projects/sonata-snort-service-emu/
# show contents of descriptors (any editor)
subl .

# publish a descriptor to the SDK catalogue
son-publish --component sources/vnf/snort-vnf/snort-vnfd.yml

# package the example service
son-package --project . -n sonata-snort-service

# start the emulator with a demo topology (execute in emulator VM or second terminal)
cd ~/son-emu
sudo python src/emuvim/examples/ 

# push the service package to the emulator gatekeeper
son-push -U target/sonata-snort-service.son

# instantiate the pushed service on the emulator
son-push -D last

# list running containers
son-emu-cli compute list

# show some emulator features (execute in emulator VM or second terminal)
containernet> nodes
containernet> links
containernet> snort_vnf ifconfig
containernet> ns_input ping -c4 ns_output
containernet> snort_vnf cat /snort-logs/

Extension to the demo (optional):

# show snort alerts and how we can directly interact with a container (third terminal)
docker exec -it mn.snort_vnf /bin/bash
tail -f /snort-logs/alert

# generate a alert with a SSH connection 
ns_input ssh ns_output

# show that our snort rules only detect SSH on tcp:22
ns_output ncat -k -l 12345 & 
ns_input ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 -p 12345 ns_output

# reconfigure snort to detect SSH on all ports using DPI functionalities (third terminal)
vim /etc/snort/snort.conf
(uncomment last line and save file)
(wait some time)
tail -f /snort-logs/alert

# show that ssh on 12345 is now detected
ns_input ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 -p 12345 ns_output

FW and Snort-based Demo (basic)

Used chain:

  |   Ryu    |
       |            +-----------+
   ctrl LAN +-------+   Snort   |
       |            +-----^-----+
       |                  |
       |                  |
 +-------------+          |
 |    ovs1     +----------+
    |        |
    |        |
    +        v
input       output

What does it show?

  • Example service and its descriptors (NSD, VNFDs)
  • son-publish to SDK catalogue
  • son-package crating a *.son file
  • son-push to upload a package to son-emu and to instantiate it
  • son-emu advanced chaining: 2 VNFs in data plane, dedicated controller VNF
cd ~/son-examples/service-projects/sonata-fw-dpi-service-emu/
# show contents of descriptors (any editor)
subl .

# package the example service
son-package --project . -n sonata-fw-dpi-service

# start the emulator with a demo topology (execute in emulator VM or second terminal)
cd ~/son-emu
sudo python src/emuvim/examples/ 

# push the service package to the emulator gatekeeper
son-push -U target/sonata-fw-dpi-service.son

# instantiate the pushed service on the emulator
son-push -D last

# list running containers
son-emu-cli compute list

# show some emulator features (execute in emulator VM or second terminal)
containernet> nodes
containernet> links
containernet> snort ifconfig
containernet> ovs1 ifconfig
containernet> ctrl ifconfig
containernet> ns_input ping -c4 ns_output

FW and Snort-based Demo (with monitoring)

The monitoring demo starts after the service has been deployed on son-emu (after the above son-push command).

The topology file should have the correct setup:

# The service should have been deployed with the correct topology file:
DCNetwork(controller=RemoteController, monitor=True, enable_learning=True)
#SAP VNFs must be deployed in the dummygatekeeper:
SonataDummyGatekeeperEndpoint("", 5000, deploy_sap=True)
# start the emulator with a demo topology (execute in emulator VM or second terminal)
cd ~/son-emu
sudo python src/emuvim/examples/ 
# push the service package to the emulator gatekeeper
son-push -U target/sonata-fw-dpi-service.son
# instantiate the pushed service on the emulator
son-push -D last

# find the ip addresses of the SAPs
# list running containers
son-emu-cli compute list
son-emu-cli compute status -d dc2 -n ns_input
son-emu-cli compute status -d dc2 -n ns_output

cd ~/son-examples/service-projects/sonata-fw-dpi-service-emu/
# show contents of monitoring descriptor file:

# several link and vnf metrics are described in this file and exported to Grafana using this command:
(this starts a Grafana and Prometheus container and uses son-emu REST api commands)
son-monitor -msd -f msd.yml

# open Grafana web gui:

#start some commands:
containernet> ns_input ping -c4 ns_output
docker exec -it mn.ns_input ping

# check the Grafana graphs 

# stop the monitoring
son-monitor -msd stop -f msd.yml