Auto Mute uses the following information from your device to function:
- Metadata about currently playing audio streams, including:
- The number of audio streams currently playing,
- The content type (movie, music, speech, etc) of each audio stream as reported by the app playing the audio,
- And the usage type (media, assistant, navigation, game, etc) of each audio stream as reported by the app playing the audio.
- Metadata about the current audio devices, including:
- The name and type of device,
- And if the device is an source (input) or sink (output).
- The configured volume of the default audio output stream.
- User preferences configured in the app.
Auto Mute stores user preferences locally on your device, all other data is used only temporarily and is never stored explicitly by Auto Mute.
Some data may be logged to Android's system logs, but this data is not stored persistently by Android by default.
No data is transmitted off your device or to any other app on your device by Auto Mute.
If the app is installed via Google Play, some data (such as system information and error messages) may be transmitted automatically to Google Play in the event that Auto Mute crashes. Please refer to Google's privacy policy for more information.