Examples of using ScalaFX. Each example is a stand-alone complete project
hello-sbt: a basic example of using Simple-Build-Tool (SBT) and ScalaFX. Detailed description can be found in the blog post "Getting Started with ScalaFX: Compile and Run".
cell_factories - examples of using cell factories, including custom cell factories.
event-filters: demonstrates use of ScalaFX Event Filter API. The code is based on JavaFX example Handling JavaFX Events, Part 3 Working with Event Filters.
molecule-3d: ScalaFX 8 example of using 3D graphics. Based on tutorial Getting Started with JavaFX 3D Graphics by Cindy Castillo and John Yoon.
sam_event_handlers: Scala 2.11 provides for Java8-like support for using lambdas in places of interfaces with a Single Abstract Method (SAM). The example shows required compiler options and use with ScalaFX.
scalafxml-example: demonstrates use of FXML with ScalaFX using ScalaFXML library.
Slick-table: An example of using a table view with database interfaced through Slick API.
splash-demo: Displays a splash stage with a progress bar during startup then opens main application stage.
stand-alone-dialog: shows how to display a ScalaFX dialog (stage) without using JFXApp. You can use this approach, for instance, to show a JavaFX dialog from a command line or from a Swing application.