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Jira Test Management migrator (JTMM)

Table of Contents

Product overview

The Jira Test Management migrator (JTMM) developed by Solidify is a powerful and robust tool designed to help you easily migrate your Jira test management data to Azure DevOps. Detailed features specific to each test framework are outlined in their respective step guides.

Our tool supports the following Jira test frameworks:

  • QMetry (Cloud)
  • Zephyr Scale (Cloud)
  • Zephyr Squad (Server)
  • Xray (Cloud, Server)
  • More to come soon!

Jira Server vs Jira Cloud

The only test frameworks which supports Jira Server is Zephyr Squad and Xray. The rest frameworks only supports Jira Cloud.

ADO Cloud vs ADO Server

The tool only supports Azure DevOps Cloud. We are working on adding support for Azure DevOps Server.

Configuration file

In order to run the program, a configuration file needs to be provided. The file must be in JSON format. When running the CLI, you must specify the path to the config file using the -c or --config parameter.

The configuration file contain some required values for example your environment values and some optional values for example if you need to map some fields. If you don't specify the mapping field values the migrator will fall back to a default configuration of those fields.

The supported fields are:

Variable Description Required Supported in
azureOrganization Azure DevOps Organization * *
jiraAuthMethod Jira Authentication Method (basic/oauth2) * *
jiraAccountEmail Jira Account Email or Username for authentication (if JIRA_AUTH_METHOD = basic) * *
jiraDomain Jira Domain * *
jiraProtocol Jira Protocol (https/http) * *
jiraApiVersion Jira API Version (1/2/3) * *
jiraOriginWiField The name of your custom Jira key field *
suppressNotifications Supress notification (true/false) *
customFields Specify custom fields in this block *
sprintCustomField Custom sprint name, eg customfield_10003 xray cloud, Zephyr Squad server
epicLinkField Custom name for epic link, eg customfield_10004 xray cloud, Zephyr Squad server
Mapper Mapping the following field values: state, priority, IterationPath, Link_Types *
xrayCloudEndpoint If your organization is in the EU you need to specify:, or if your organization is in the AU you need to specify: The default value is: Xray cloud
migrateComponentsAsAreaPath If you want Component to be migrated as Area path. If mulitple components are selected, only the first value will be migrated as Area path Zephyr server

Example from Zephyr Squad:

    "azureOrganization": "my-azure-org",
    "jiraAuthMethod": "Basic",
    "jiraAccountEmail": "",
    "jiraDomain": "",
    "jiraProtocol": "https",
    "jiraApiVersion": "2",
    "jiraOriginWiField": "Custom.YourCustomField",
    "migrateComponentsAsAreaPath": true,
    "customFields": {
      "sprintCustomField": "customfield_10003",
      "epicLinkField": "customfield_10102",
    "Mapper": {
        "Link_Types": {
            "blocks": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Reverse",
            "relates to": "System.LinkTypes.Related",
            "is blocked by": "System.LinkTypes.Dependency-Reverse",
            "clones": "System.LinkTypes.Duplicate-Forward",
            "is duplicated by": "System.LinkTypes.Duplicate-Reverse",
            "duplicates": "System.LinkTypes.Duplicate-Forward",
            "parent": "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse",
            "epiclink": "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse"
        "Priority": {
            "High" : 1,
            "Normal" : 2,
            "Low" : 3
        "State": {
            "test_plan": {
                "Draft": "Inactive",
                "Deprecated": "Inactive",
                "Approved": "Active",
            "test_suite": {
                "Not Executed": "In Planning",
                "In Progress": "In Progress",
                "Done": "Completed"
            "test_case": {
                "Draft": "Design",
                "Deprecated": "Closed",
                "Approved": "Ready",
            "Sprint-1": "YourTargetProject\\YourMappedPath-1",
            "Sprint-2": "YourTargetProject\\YourMappedPath-2"

User Config File

A user config file is required to do custom user mappings. The user mapping should be in the form of, the first email being the user email from Jira, and the second one being their Azure DevOps user email. If the user_config.txt file isn't provided, the tool will use the same email in Azure DevOps.

For user mapping to work, all users in the Jira organization must make sure that their email is publicly visible to everyone. To do this, go to -> Contact -> Email Address -> Who can see this? -> "Anyone"

user_config.txt example

Credentials values set in a .env file

This tool requires an .env where you can set your secret values. The file needs to be provided in the root directory. The value in the file depends on which test adapter you are using. Below is a table of each required values for each test framework.

Required for all platforms

Variable Description
JIRA_API_TOKEN Jira API Token or Password (if JIRA_AUTH_METHOD = basic) or Jira OAuth2 Token (if JIRA_AUTH_METHOD = oauth2)

Required for Zephyr

Variable Description
ZEPHYR_API_TOKEN Zephyr API Token (platform = zephyr-squad or zephyr-scale)

Required for QMetry

Variable Description

Required for Xray Cloud

Variable Description
XRAY_CLIENT_ID Xray Client ID (platform = xray)
XRAY_CLIENT_SECRET Xray Client Secret (platform = xray)

Example of .env file


All data in the above example are fictitious.

Permission requirements

Jira required permissions

The Account who will run the migration will require at least Administrator permission in each relevant Jira project.

Specifics for Zephyr

For Zephyr Squad, the account will need Administrator permission in Zephyr.

Azure DevOps required permissions

Required license

The Account who will run the migration will require any of the following licenses:

  • Basic + Test Plans
  • Visual Studio Professional
  • Visual Studio Enterprise

Required project permissions

The Account who will run the migration will require the following permissions under Project Settings -> Permissions:

  • Create Test Runs
  • Delete Test Runs
  • Manage Test Plans

Required area path permissions

Additionally, you must configure the permissions of the area path where the Test Plan is located. Under Project Settings -> Project configuration -> Areas -> [Select the area path of the Test Plan] -> Security: You must add the Account and Allow the following permissions:

  • Manage test plans
  • Manage test suites

If the area permissions are configured incorrectly, you will see the following error message in the pipeline log:

Task failed, error message: Error: You do not have the appropriate permissions to manage test suites under this area path.: xxx/xxx/xxx

Jira Authentication

We support various methods of authenticating with the Jira Rest API:

Basic authentication

Authentication with Jira username and password/Jira API token. You will need to specify the following variables in the .env file:


For troubleshooting common authentication issues with Basic authentication, check out our guide on github:

OAuth2-based authentication

Authentication with an OAuth token. You will need to specify the following variables in the .env file:


Authentication for Jira Server

When you are using Jira Server, you need to add different credentials to authenticate. The credentials in your .env file needs to looks like this:

JIRA_API_TOKEN = "your-jira-password"
JIRA_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "your-jira-username"


Jira Key Tracking

We've introduced a functionality that allows you to monitor your migrated Work Items effectively. This feature enables you to query all Work Items migrated from Jira preventing the duplication of Work Items during the migration process.

If you want to disable the prevention of duplications you can pass in -f, --force as a parameter to the CLI. This will force in all Work Items even if they exists in the target project.

To implement this feature, you must incorporate custom fields into your process template within Azure DevOps. These fields should be added to the work item types: Test Case, Test Plan, and Test Suite. Optionally, these fields can be hidden to prevent users from altering the values.

When a test has been migrated the the tool will automatically append the Jira issue key to the designated custom field. This feature is only available for Zephyr Scale and Xray at this moment.

Enable it by passing in -j, --jira-key-tracking as a parameter to the CLI. FYI this feature is only available if you add the JIRA_ORIGIN_WI_FIELD in your configuration file.

"jiraOriginWiField": "Custom.YourCustomField"
./jra-test-mgmnt-migrator.exe --platform <zephyr-scale/zephyr-squad/xray/xray-server> --config <path_to_config/config.json> --source source_project --target target_project --jira-key-tracking

How to run JTMM

CLI parameters

The parameters currently supported by the CLI are:

Flag Description Required
-p, --platform The platform that you wish to migrate from: qmetry, zephyr-scale, zephyr-squad, xray or xray-server *
-s, --source Jira project ID or Key (e.g. 10001 or ZEP) *
-t, --target ADO target project name *
-c, --config Path to the configuration file *
--license-file-path Provide a software license by specifying the path to the license file *
-l, --list List all Jira or Azure DevOps projects (ado/jira)
-a, --auto Automate multiple migrations; provide an automation file (format: jira_project_id=azure_devops_project_name)
-i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors and keep running even when errors occur
-j, --jira-key-tracking Preserved the connection to the Jira Issue by adding the Jira Issue ID to a given field in ADO
-f, --force If set, the Jira Issues will be migrated even if the corresponding Work Items already exist in the target project
-v, --log-level Set log level to either 'debug' or 'info' to get different amounts of information about your migration. Default = info
-n, --jira-key-title Insert the the Jira Issue Key to all Work Item Titles where applicable, on the following format: [JIRA-123] Original Title
-o, --save-issues Save a JSON object locally for every issue downloaded. This is useful for troubleshooting your work. Does not affect the import.
-e, --test-executions Migrate test executions. Only supported in Xray cloud and Zephyr squad

Migration types

There are 2 ways to run a migration in JTMM.

Direct Migration

The first way is a simple straight forward one-time migration, simply specify the mandatory parameters. Below is an example of how to run a direct migration:

.\jra-test-mgmnt-migrator.exe --platform <zephyr-scale/zephyr-squad/qmetry/xray/xray-server> --config <path_to_config/config.json> --source <Jira_Project_ID/Key> --target <Azure_DevOps_project_name> --license-file-path <path_to_license_file>

Automated migration

The second way is "Automation mode". There are 2 things you need to specify here. The platform (zephyr-scale/zephyr-squad/qmetry/xray) and the config file (auto_file_name.txt). The config file should be in the format of "jira_project_id=azure_devops_project_name". For example:


The command you will be using to run this migration is:

.\jra-test-mgmnt-migrator.exe --platform <zephyr-scale/zephyr-squad/qmetry/xray/xray-server> --config <path_to_config/config.json> --auto <auto_file_name.txt>

The program should now be looping through your config file, migrating each project as it goes.


If you wish to troubleshoot your execution, you can set the parameter --log-level to debug in the CLI. This will make the CLI run in debug mode, which will print out more information about the execution.

The default log level is info.

Running together with Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator PRO

If you are moving both Jira issues and Test artifacts in the same migration, you will need to run the Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator PRO and Jira Test Management Migrator in sequence.

Here, the distribution of responsibility between the two tools looks like the following:

  • Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator PRO - (run first) takes care of all Jira Issues except test cases.
  • Jira Test Management Migrator - (run second) takes care of all test artifacts.

IMPORTANT! - In order to ensure that the Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator PRO does not accidentally migrate any test cases (which will cause conflicts later when migrating test data), you need to ensure that the Query used by the Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator is set to exclude any test cases. Here is an example query for Zephyr:

"project = CB AND issuetype != Test

The issue links between the test cases and other issues will be preserved.

Remember, use the Jira to Azure DevOps Migrator to migrate your Jira issues first, before using this migrator. Otherwise, the issue links may not be recreated properly, and the code will throw errors. If you don't care about links, then you can safely ignore the error messages.

Individual documentation


Supported migrated data for QMetry

Fields Test Case Test Cycle Test Plan ADO Value
Description N Y N Description
Precondition N N/A N/A Description
Folder Path Y Y Y AreaPath
Priority Y Y Y Priority
Status Y Y Y State
Assignee N N Y Assignee
Reporter N N Y N/A
Components N N N/A N/A
Labels Y N Y Tags
Sprint N N Y IterationPath
Fix Versions N N N N/A
Estimated Time N N/A Y N/A
Created By N N N N/A
Created On N N N N/A
Updated By N N N N/A
Updated On N N N N/A
Test Steps Y N/A N/A Test Steps
Attachments N N N Attachments
Executions N N/A N/A N/A
Story N N/A N/A N/A
Comments N N N Comments
Audit Logs N N N History
Test Case Links N/A Y N/A Parent Link
Test Cycle Links N/A N/A Y Parent Link
Planned Start Date N/A N Y Parent Link
Planned End Date N/A N Y Parent Link


Supported migrated data for Xray

The Xray migration adapter only supports the following test types:

  • Test
  • Test Plan
  • Test Execution (Only cloud)
Fields Test Test Plan Test Execution ADO Value
Description Y Y Y Description
Priority Y Y N/A Priority
Status Y Y Y State
Sprint Y (only cloud) Y (only cloud) N/A Iteration Path
Assignee Y Y Y AssignedTo
Components N N N Components
Fixversion N N N customfield
Labels Y Y N Tags
Created On Y N N Created Date
Updated On Y N N Updated Date
Test Steps Y N/A N/A Test Steps
Attachments Y Y Y Attachments
Comments Y N Y Comments
Issue Links Y Y N/A Relation Links
Parent / child link N N N/A Parent / Child Link
Planned Start Date N/A N N/A End Date
Planned End Date N/A N N/A Start Date
Key Y Y Y Your_Custom_Field
Revisions N N N Revisions
Executed date N/A N/A Y Executed date
Evidence N/A N/A Y Evidence
Test result N/A N/A Y (only cloud) Test result

Generate Xray secret and client id (Only cloud)

Please follow Xray's official documentation on how to generate a client id and secret. If you are using Xray server, you only need to provide your Jira password.

Zephyr Scale | Zephyr Squad

Supported migrated data for Zephyr Scale

Fields Test Case Test Cycle Test Plan ADO Value
Description Y Y N Description
Precondition Y Y N Description
Objective Y N/A Y Description
Folder Y Y Y AreaPath
Priority Y N N Priority
Status Y Y Y State
Labels Y Y Y Tags
Sprint N N N IterationPath
Estimated Time N N N N/A
Owner Y Y Y Assignee
Test Steps Y N/A N/A Test Steps
Attachments N N N Attachments
Comments N N N Comments
Audit Logs N N N History
Issues Y Y Y Related Link
Web Links Y N Y Description
Test Cases N/A Y N/A Child Link
Test Plans N/A Y N/A Parent Link
Test Cycles N/A N/A Y Child Link

Supported migrated data for Zephyr Squad

Fields Test Execution Test Case Test Cycle ADO Value
Description N/A Y Y Description
Precondition N/A Y Y Description
Objective N/A Y N/A Description
Folder N/A Y Y AreaPath
Priority N/A Y N Priority
Status Y Y Y State
Labels N/A Y Y Tags
Sprint N/A N N IterationPath
Estimated Time N/A N N N/A
Owner Y Y Y Assignee
Test Steps N Y N/A Test Steps
Test Steps Attachments Y Y N Test step attachments
Attachments Y Y N Attachments
Comments Y Y N Comments
Audit Logs N/A N N History
Issues Y Y Y Related Link
Web Links N/A Y N Description
Test Case links Y N/A Y Child Link
Test Cycles links Y N/A N/A Child Link

Preserving Links to Jira Issues via Azure DevOps Work Items

To ensure that links from test cases to Jira issues are preserved when migrating to Azure DevOps Test Plans using the Jira Test Management Migrator, follow these steps:

Configuring Jira Azure DevOps Migrator PRO

Before configuring the Jira Test Management Migrator, it's essential to configure the Jira Azure DevOps Migrator PRO to preserve the Jira Issue key. This is done by adding a specific field mapping to the config.json file:

  "source": "key",
  "target": "Custom.JiraReferenceID"

This mapping instructs the migrator to preserve the Jira Issue key in a custom field named "Custom.JiraReferenceID" during the migration process.

Configuring Jira Test Management Migrator

After completing the migration with the Jira Azure DevOps Migrator PRO, configure the Jira Test Management Migrator to maintain the links to the migrated Jira issues by following these steps:

  1. Add Property to Config:

    In your config.json file, add the following property:

    "jiraOriginWiField": "Custom.YourCustomField"

    Replace "Custom.YourCustomField" with the custom field in your Azure DevOps work items where you want to store the reference to the original Jira issue key.

  2. Specify Parameter When Running CLI:

    When executing the CLI command to run the Jira Test Management Migrator, specify the following parameter:


    This parameter enables the migrator to track the Jira issue keys during the migration process and maintain the links between the Jira issues and Azure DevOps work items.

Following these steps will ensure that links to Jira issues are preserved in Azure DevOps work items during the migration process using the Jira Test Management Migrator.