This is a complete port of RasPBX (Asterisk for raspberry pi.)
How this image was created:
Download the image from official website:
$ mkdir rootfs raspbxfdisk -l -u=sectors /home/pi/raspbx-10-10-2020.img
$ mount -o loop,offset=272630784 /home/pi/raspbx-10-10-2020.img /rootfs
$ cp -a /rootfs/. /raspbx/
$ nano /raspbx/run/
$ chmod +x /raspbx/run/*
$ tar -C raspbx -c . | docker import - raspbx
This image is now can be used as a base image or independently using "docker run --name=raspbx -it --privileged --restart unless-stopped raspbx bash". Also, adding --cmd=/run/ will keep the container running without the bash.