Use the ScyllaDB Community Forum or the Slack workspace for general questions and help.
Join the Scylla Developers mailing list for deeper technical discussions and to discuss your ideas for contributions.
Please use the issue tracker to report issues or to suggest features. Fill in as much information as you can in the issue template, especially for performance problems.
Before you can contribute code to Scylla for the first time, you should sign the Contributor License Agreement and send the signed form You can then submit your changes as patches to the scylladb-dev mailing list or as a pull request to the Scylla project on github. If you need help formatting or sending patches, check out these instructions.
The Scylla C++ source code uses the Seastar coding style so please adhere to that in your patches. Note that Scylla code is written with using namespace seastar
, so should not explicitly add the seastar::
prefix to Seastar symbols. You will usually not need to add using namespace seastar
to new source files, because most Scylla header files have #include "seastarx.hh"
, which does this.
Header files in Scylla must be self-contained, i.e., each can be included without having to include specific other headers first. To verify that your change did not break this property, run ninja dev-headers
. If you added or removed header files, you must touch
first - this will cause
to be automatically re-run to generate a fresh list of header files.
For more criteria on what reviewers consider good code, see the review checklist.