First change the directory to the specific data structure, for example:
cd avl_tree
In every data structure example directory you willl find one Makefile and some source files labeled as example1.c and so on.
If you want just to execute one example, for example the first one you should type in your terminal:
make e1
If you want to execute all examples you shall type in your terminal:
NOTE: I recommend you to execute all of examples at once.
NOTE: After every successfully executed example a message will be prompt in the terminal to inform you that execution went successfully
After compiling and running the examples some files will be generated in current working directory, such as:
- where X is the number of the example, all the output generated by the example number X will be redirected in that file. -
- where X is the number of the example, the valgrind output log information will be redirected in that file.
If you want to remove all the txt files and to clear all the directory from junk files you shall run:
make clean
NOTE: Same actions you can do in any example data structure directory from /examples/ directory
NOTE: Some examples are benchmarks, usually example number 3, so do not worry if the running time is a bit to much.