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Alejandro U. Alvarez edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 11 revisions

In order to write a player that can be executed by uabc, you will need to:

  1. Listen for some input on STDIN (e.g. the server starting the game, the opponent making a move)
  2. Record the state of that move (so you have a representation of the board)
  3. Respond with output on STDOUT (e.g. your move)


The uabc client will send you one of the following:

Command Expects response Description
init No The server is telling you to start the game - choose any board and move that you want
waiting No The server is telling you that the other player is not ready yet.
move Yes Move request, since you can answer directly to an opponent move, this is usually not necessary
opponent x,y;x,y Yes Sent after an opponent move, it contains their move data in the form board.x, board.y; move.x, move.y. After receiving this you can directly answer with your move


The only possible response at any given time is a move. If you answer out of place you will lose the game.

Response format

x,y;x,y - Where the first coordinates are the board, and the second are the move (board.x, board.y; move.x, move.y)


The following is a sample game from the point of view of player 1 (the input/output identifiers were added for clarity)

[input] init
[input] waiting
[input] opponent 0,0;2,2
[output] 2,2;2,0

[input] opponent 2,0;2,0
[output] 2,0;2,1

[input] opponent 2,1;2,1
[output] 2,1;0,1

[input] opponent 0,1;1,0
[output] 1,0;1,1

[input] opponent 1,1;0,1
[output] 0,1;0,2

[input] opponent 0,2;1,2
[output] 1,2;1,1

[input] opponent 1,1;1,2
[output] 1,2;1,2

[input] opponent 1,2;2,1
[output] 2,1;1,2

[input] opponent 1,2;1,0
[output] 1,0;2,1

[input] opponent 2,1;2,0
[output] 2,0;1,2

[input] opponent 1,2;2,2
[output] 2,2;1,0

[input] opponent 1,0;1,0
[output] 1,0;2,2

[input] opponent 2,2;1,1
[output] 1,1;2,2

[input] opponent 2,2;1,2
[output] 1,2;0,0

[input] opponent 0,0;0,1
[output] 0,1;0,1

[input] opponent 0,1;1,2
[output] 1,2;0,1

[input] opponent 0,1;2,2
[output] 2,2;0,1

[input] opponent 0,1;2,1
[output] 2,1;1,1

[input] opponent 1,1;0,2
[output] 0,2;1,1

[input] opponent 1,1;1,1
[output] 1,1;2,0

[input] opponent 2,0;1,1
[output] 1,1;0,0

[input] opponent 0,0;1,2
[output] 1,2;0,2

[input] opponent 0,2;1,0
[output] 1,0;0,1

[input] opponent 0,1;2,0
[output] 2,0;0,1

[input] opponent 0,0;1,1
[output] 1,1;2,1
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