From 4c570541de56708af8cb5726d78ba96e6b7b1b4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: linuxdaemon Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 21:18:17 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Remove as it is auto-generated --- docs/user/ | 476 ------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 476 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 docs/user/ diff --git a/docs/user/ b/docs/user/ deleted file mode 100644 index f680a9dc8..000000000 --- a/docs/user/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,476 +0,0 @@ -gonzobot Command list ------- -**8ball (8, eightball):** <question> - asks the all knowing magic electronic eight ball <question> - -**about**: -- Gives information about CloudBot. Use .about license for licensing information - -**addbad**: adds a bad word to the auto kick list must specify a channel with each word ( *Permission required:* badwords) - -**adduser**: <user> <group> - adds <user> to <group> ( *Permission required:* permissions_users) - -**amazon (az):** <query> -- Searches Amazon for query - -**antonym**: <word> -- Returns a list of antonyms for <word>. - -**ask (cb, cleverbot):** <question> -- Asks Cleverbot <question> - -**ban**: [channel] <user> - bans <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_ban, op) - -**bancount**: <user> - gets a count of <user>'s minecraft bans from fishbans - -**bans (fishbans):** <user> - gets information on <user>'s minecraft bans from fishbans - -**base64**: base64 <string> -- Encode <string> with base64. - -**beats**: beats -- Gets the current time in .beats (Swatch Internet Time). - -**bing (bsearch):** <query> - returns the first bing search result for <query> - -**bingimage**: <query> - returns the first bing image search result for <query> - -**bite**: bites the specified nick somewhere random. - -**boobs (boobies):** prints boobies! - -**bookpun**: Suggests a pun of a book title/author. - -**books (gbooks):** books <query> -- Searches Google Books for <query>. - -**bottomten (pointsbottom, hated):** .bottomten or .pointsbottom prints the top 10 things with the highest points in the channel. To see the top 10 items in all of the channels the bot sits in use .topten global. - -**brainfuck (bf):** <prog> - executes <prog> as Brainfuck code - -**btc (bitcoin):** [bitpay|coinbase|bitstamp] - gets bitcoin exchange rate using <exchange>, defaulting to blockchain - -**cake**: <user> - gives <user> an awesome cake - -**capitalise (capitalize):** capitalize <string> -- Capitalizes <string>. - -**catgifs**: gets a fucking cat gif. - -**cats**: gets a fucking fact about cats. - -**choose**: <choice1>, [choice2], [choice3], etc. - randomly picks one of the given choices - -**coin**: [amount] - flips [amount] coins - -**color_parse**: Command has no documentation. - -**confucious**: confucious say man standing on toilet is high on pot. - -**cookie**: <user> - gives <user> a cookie - -**cycle**: [#channel] - cycles [#channel], or the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**cypher**: <pass> <string> - cyphers <string> with <password> - -**dadjoke**: love em or hate em, bring on the dad jokes. - -**debase64 (unbase64):** unbase64 <string> -- Decode <string> with base64. - -**decrypt**: <pass> <string> - decrypts <string> with <pass>. (can only decrypt strings encrypted on this bot) - -**decypher**: <pass> <string> - decyphers <string> with <password> - -**define (dictionary):** <word> -- Returns a dictionary definition for <word>. - -**deluser**: <user> [group] - removes <user> from [group], or from all groups if no group is specified ( *Permission required:* permissions_users) - -**deop**: [channel] <user> - deops <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_op, op) - -**derpify**: derpify <text> - returns some amusing responses from your input. - -**devoice**: [channel] <user> - devoices <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_voice, op) - -**dig**: .dig <domain> <recordtype> returns a list of records for the specified domain valid record types are A, NS, TXT, and MX. If a record type is not chosen A will be the default. - -**dinner (wtfsimfd):** - TELLS YOU WHAT THE F**K YOU SHOULD MAKE FOR DINNER - -**disableregex**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**doit**: prints a do it line, example: mathmaticians do with a pencil - -**domain (domainr):** <domain> - uses's API to search for a domain, and similar domains - -**down (offline, up):** <url> - checks if <url> is online or offline - -**drama**: <phrase> - gets the first paragraph of the Encyclopedia Dramatica article on <phrase> - -**drink**: <nick>, makes the user a random cocktail. - -**e (etymology):** <word> - retrieves the etymology of <word> - -**enableregex**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**encrypt**: <pass> <string> - encrypts <string> with <pass>. (<string> can only be decrypted using this bot) - -**escape**: escape <string> -- Unicode escapes <string>. - -**expand**: <url> - unshortens <url> - -**f (forget):** <word> - forgets previously remembered <word> ( *Permission required:* delfactoid) - -**fact**: Gets a random fact about numbers or dates. - -**feed (rss, news):** <feed> -- Gets the first three items from the RSS/ATOM feed <feed>. - -**flip**: <text> -- Flips <text> over. - -**flirt (jackmeoff, sexup):** <user> - flirts with <user> - -**flushlog**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**fml**: - gets a random quote from - -**fortune**: - hands out a fortune cookie - -**generatehelp**: Dumps a list of commands with their help text to the docs directory formatted using markdown. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**geoip**: geoip <host|ip> -- Looks up the physical location of <host|ip> using Maxmind GeoLite - -**gitio**: <url> [custom] - shortens a github URL <url> using with [custom] as an optional custom shortlink, - -**global_ignore**: <nick|mask> -- ignores all input from <nick|mask> in ALL channels. ( *Permission required:* ignore) - -**global_unignore**: <nick|mask> -- un-ignores all input from <nick|mask> in ALL channels. ( *Permission required:* ignore) - -**glomp**: glomps the specified nick. - -**googl**: <url> [custom] - shorten <url> using with [custom] as an option custom shortlink, - -**google (g, search):** <query> - returns the first google search result for <query> - -**googleimage (gis, image):** <query> - returns the first google image result for <query> - -**gperms**: <group> - lists permissions given to <group> ( *Permission required:* permissions_users) - -**grab**: grab <nick> grabs the last message from the - -**grabrandom**: grabs a random quote from the grab database - -**grabsearch**: .grabsearch <text> matches "text" against nicks or grab strings in the database - -**groups (listgroups, permgroups):** - lists all valid groups ( *Permission required:* permissions_users) - -**gusers**: <group> - lists users in <group> ( *Permission required:* permissions_users) - -**hash**: hash <string> -- Returns hashes of <string>. - -**help**: [command] - gives help for [command], or lists all available commands if no command is specified - -**herald**: herald [message] adds a greeting for your nick that will be announced everytime you join the channel. - -**hookup**: matches two users from the channel in a sultry scene. - -**horoscope**: <sign> - get your horoscope - -**ignore**: <nick|mask> -- ignores all input from <nick|mask> in this channel. ( *Permission required:* ignore) - -**imdb**: imdb <movie> - gets information about <movie> from IMDb - -**imgur**: [search term] / [/r/subreddit] / [/user/username] / memes / random - returns a link to a random imgur image based - -**imguralbum (album, multiimgur, imgalbum):** [search term] / [/r/subreddit] / [/user/username] / memes / random - returns a link to lots of random images - -**info**: <factoid> - shows the source of a factoid - -**insult**: <user> - insults <user> - -**isbase64 (checkbase64):** isbase64 <string> -- Checks if <string> is a valid base64 encoded string - -**isgd**: <url> [custom] - shortens a url using with [custom] as an optional custom shortlink, - -**issues**: <username|repo> [number] - gets issue [number]'s summary, or the open issue count if no issue is specified - -**isup**: <url> - uses to check if <url> is online or offline - -**join**: <channel> - joins <channel> ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**kernel**: - gets a list of linux kernel versions - -**kick**: [channel] <user> - kicks <user> from [channel], or from the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_kick, op) - -**kill**: <user> - kills <user> - -**la (lartist):** <artist> prints information about the specified artist - -**lart**: <user> - LARTs <user> - -**lastfm (np, l):** [user] [dontsave] - displays the now playing (or last played) track of LastFM user [user] - -**lastfmcompare (compare, lc):** [user] ([user] optional) - displays the now playing (or last played) track of LastFM user [user] - -**lastgrab**: prints the last grabbed quote from <nick>. - -**leet**: <text> -- Makes <text> more 1337h4x0rz. - -**length**: length <string> -- Gets the length of <string> - -**listbad**: Returns a list of bad words specify a channel to see words for a particular channel ( *Permission required:* badwords) - -**listfactoids**: - lists all available factoids ( *Permission required:* listfactoids) - -**listregex**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**lmgtfy (gfy):** [phrase] - gets a link for the specified phrase - -**loadbad**: Should run on start of bot to load the existing words into the regex ( *Permission required:* badwords) - -**lock**: [channel] - locks [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_lock, op) - -**lower**: lower <string> -- Convert string to lowercase. - -**lt (ltrack):** Grabs a list of the top tracks for a username - -**lta (topartist):** Grabs a list of the top artists for a username. You can set your lastfm username with .l username - -**ltc (litecoin):** - gets litecoin exchange rate from BTC-E - -**ltop (ltt):** Grabs a list of the top tracks for a username - -**mcping (mcp):** <server[:port]> - gets info about the Minecraft server at <server[:port]> - -**mcstatus**: - gets the status of various Mojang (Minecraft) servers - -**mcuser (mcpaid, haspaid):** <username> - gets information about the Minecraft user <account> - -**mcwiki**: mcwiki <phrase> - gets the first paragraph of the Minecraft Wiki article on <phrase> - -**me (act):** [#channel] <action> - acts out <action> in a [#channel], or in the current channel of none is specified ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**message (sayto):** <name> <message> - says <message> to <name> ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**metacritic (mc):** [all|movie|tv|album|x360|ps3|pc|gba|ds|3ds|wii|vita|wiiu|xone|ps4] <title> - gets rating for <title> from - -**minuspts**: prints the things you have liked - -**mlb**: mlb <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**mlia**: - gets a random quote from - -**mm (rmpoint):** .rmpoint or (.mm) <thing> subtracts a point from the <thing> - -**munge**: <text> -- Munges up <text>. - -**mute**: [channel] - mutes [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_mute, op) - -**namegen**: [generator|list] - generates some names using the chosen generator, or lists all generators if 'list' is specified - -**nba**: nba <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**ncaab**: ncaab <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**ncaaf**: ncaaf <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**newegg**: newegg <item name> - searches for <item name> - -**nfl**: nfl <team> gets the score or next schedule game for the specified team. If no team specified all games will be included. - -**nhl**: nhl <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**nick**: <nick> - changes my nickname to <nick> ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**nk**: outputs a random North Korea propoganda slogan - -**note (notes, todo):** <add|list|get|del|clear> args - manipulates your list of notes - -**octopart (octo):** octopart <keyword> -- Search for any part on the Octopart database. - -**op**: [channel] <user> - ops <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_op, op) - -**osrc**: <github user> - gets an Open Source Report Card for <github user> from - -**part**: [#channel] - parts [#channel], or the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**password**: [length [types]] - generates a password of <length> (default 10). [types] can include 'alpha', 'no caps', - -**pig (piglatin):** pig <text> -- Converts <text> to pig latin. - -**ping**: <host> [count] - pings <host> [count] times - -**plpaste**: <command> - pastes the plugin file that contains <command> ( *Permission required:* plpaste) - -**pluspts**: prints the things you have liked - -**points**: .points <thing> will print the total points for <thing> in the channel. - -**poll**: .poll <description>[: choice1, choice2, ..., choice n] - Begins a poll if you do not already have an active poll; choices default to [yes|no]; end poll and get results with '.poll close'. - -**polls**: .polls [user] - Gets a list of active polls, or information on a specific poll. - -**potato**: <user> - makes <user> a tasty little potato - -**pp (addpoint):** .addpoint or (.pp) <thing> adds a point to the <thing> - -**pre (scene):** pre <query> -- searches scene releases using - -**pronounce (sounditout):** <word> -- Returns instructions on how to pronounce <word> with an audio example. - -**pun**: Come on everyone loves puns right? - -**python (py):** <python code> - executes <python code> using - -**q (quote):** [#chan] [nick] [#n] OR add <nick> <message> - gets the [#n]th quote by <nick> (defaulting to random) - -**qrcode (qr):** <link> - returns a link to a QR code image for <link> - -**quiet**: [channel] <user> - quiets <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_quiet, op) - -**r (remember):** <word> [+]<data> - remembers <data> with <word> - add + to <data> to append ( *Permission required:* addfactoid) - -**rainbow**: <text> -- Gives <text> rainbow colors. - -**raw**: <command> - sends <command> as a raw IRC command ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**recipe**: [term] - gets a recipe for [term], or gets a random recipe if no term is specified - -**reddit**: <subreddit> [n] - gets a random post from <subreddit>, or gets the [n]th post in the subreddit - -**regexstatus**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**remind (reminder, in):** <1 minute, 30 seconds>: <do task> -- reminds you to <do task> in <1 minute, 30 seconds> - -**remove**: [channel] <user> - force removes <user> from [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_rem, op) - -**resethistory**: - resets chat history for the current channel - -**resetregex**: Command has no documentation. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**restart**: [reason] - restarts me with [reason] as its quit message. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**reverse**: reverse <string> -- Reverses <string>. - -**rmbad (delbad):** removes the specified word from the specified channels bad word list ( *Permission required:* badwords) - -**roll (dice):** <dice roll> - simulates dice rolls. Example: 'dice 2d20-d5+4 roll 2': D20s, subtract 1D5, add 4 - -**rot13**: rot13 <string> -- Encode <string> with rot13. - -**rottentomatoes (rt):** rt <title> -- gets ratings for <title> from Rotten Tomatoes - -**sandwich**: <user> - give a tasty sandwich to <user> - -**say**: [#channel] <message> - says <message> to [#channel], or to the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**seen**: <nick> <channel> - tells when a nickname was last in active in one of my channels - -**shorten**: <url> [custom] - shortens a url with [custom] as an optional custom shortlink - -**showtells**: showtells -- View all pending tell messages (sent in a notice). - -**slap**: <user> -- Makes the bot slap <user>. - -**snopes**: snopes <topic> -- Searches snopes for an urban legend about <topic>. - -**spalbum**: spalbum <album> -- Search Spotify for <album> - -**spartist**: spartist <artist> -- Search Spotify for <artist> - -**spell**: spell <word/sentence> -- Check spelling of a word or sentence. - -**spotify (sptrack):** spotify <song> -- Search Spotify for <song> - -**steam**: steam [Takes a Steam ID_64 formatted ID and returns a ID_32 formatted IDsearch] - Search for specified - -**steamid (steamuser, su, sid):** steamid <username> -- gets the steam ID of <username>. Uses<nickname>. - -**stock**: <symbol> -- gets stock information - -**stop (quit):** [reason] - stops me with [reason] as its quit message. ( *Permission required:* botcontrol) - -**suggest**: suggest <phrase> -- Gets suggested phrases for a google search - -**superscript**: <text> -- Makes <text> superscript. - -**swapcase**: swapcase <string> -- Swaps the capitalization of <string>. - -**synonym**: <word> -- Returns a list of synonyms for <word>. - -**system**: -- Retrieves information about the host system. - -**table**: <text> -- (╯°□°)╯︵ <ʇxǝʇ> - -**tell**: tell <nick> <message> -- Relay <message> to <nick> when <nick> is around. - -**tfw**: Command has no documentation. - -**titlecase**: title <string> -- Convert string to title case. - -**topic**: [channel] <topic> - changes the topic to <topic> in [channel], or in the caller's channel ( *Permission required:* op_topic, op) - -**topten (loved, pointstop):** .topten or .pointstop prints the top 10 things with the highest points in the channel. To see the top 10 items in all of the channels the bot sits in use .topten global. - -**translate**: [source language [target language]] <sentence> - translates <sentence> from source language (default autodetect) - -**tv (tv_next):** tv <series> -- Get the next episode of <series>. - -**tv_prev (tv_last):** tv_last <series> -- Gets the most recently aired episode of <series>. - -**twitch**: Command has no documentation. - -**twitter (twatter, tw):** twitter <user> [n] -- Gets last/[n]th tweet from <user> - -**twuser (twinfo):** twuser <user> -- Get info on the Twitter user <user> - -**ugroups**: [user] - lists all permissions given to [user], or the caller if no user is specified - -**unban**: [channel] <user> - unbans <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_ban, op) - -**unescape**: unescape <string> -- Unicode unescapes <string>. - -**unignore**: <nick|mask> -- un-ignores all input from <nick|mask> in this channel. ( *Permission required:* ignore) - -**unlock**: [channel] - unlocks [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_lock, op) - -**unmute**: [channel] - unmutes [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_mute, op) - -**unquiet**: [channel] <user> - unquiets <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_quiet, op) - -**uperms**: [user] - lists all permissions given to [user], or the caller if no user is specified - -**upper**: upper <string> -- Convert string to uppercase. - -**urban (u):** urban <phrase> [id] -- Looks up <phrase> on - -**usa**: <text> -- Makes <text> more patriotic. - -**validate (w3c):** validate <url> -- Runs url through the w3c markup validator. - -**voice**: [channel] <user> - voices <user> in [channel], or in the caller's channel if no channel is specified ( *Permission required:* op_voice, op) - -**vote**: .vote <poll> <choice> - Vote on a poll; responds on error and silently records on success. - -**weather (we):** weather <location> [dontsave] -- Gets weather data - -**whois**: <domain> -- Does a whois query on <domain>. - -**wiki (w, wikipedia):** wiki <phrase> -- Gets first sentence of Wikipedia article on <phrase>. - -**wisdom**: words of wisdom from various bathroom stalls. - -**wnba**: wnba <team city> gets the score or next scheduled game for the specified team. If no team is specified all games will be included. - -**wolframalpha (convert, wa, ca, calc, math):** w<query> -- Computes <query> using Wolfram Alpha. - -**word (wordoftheday):** returns the word of the day. To see past word of the day enter use the format yyyy-MM-dd. The specified date must be after 2009-08-10. - -**wordrandom (randomword):** Grabs a random word from - -**wordusage (wordexample, usage):** <word> -- Returns an example sentence showing the usage of <word>. - -**wouldyou**: Asks a would you rather question - -**wpass (wordpass, wordpassword):** [length] - generates an easy to remember password with [length] (default 4) commonly used words - -**wrainbow**: <text> -- Gives each word in <text> rainbow colors. - -**wyr (wouldyourather):** -- What would you rather do? - -**xkcd**: xkcd <search term> - Search for xkcd comic matching <search term> - -**yomomma**: input <nick>, tells a yo momma joke to <nick> - -**youtime (ytime):** youtime <query> -- Gets the total run time of the first YouTube search result for <query>. - -**youtube (yt, you, y):** youtube <query> -- Returns the first YouTube search result for <query>. -