Companion repo for post:
The preferred way to run Luigi tasks is through the luigi
command line tool that is installed with the pip package. Ex:
#, available in your sys.path
import luigi
class MyTask(luigi.Task):
x = luigi.IntParameter()
y = luigi.IntParameter(default=45)
def run(self):
print(self.x + self.y)
Should be run like this
$ luigi --module my_module MyTask --x 123 --y 456 --local-scheduler
Or alternatively like this
$ python -m luigi --module my_module MyTask --x 100 --local-scheduler
Note that if a parameter name contains '_', it should be replaced by '-'. For example, if MyTask had a parameter called 'my_parameter':
$ luigi --module my_module MyTask --my-parameter 100 --local-scheduler