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snaewe committed Oct 17, 2013
0 parents commit 5bf92a8
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,807 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Notes.pdf
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158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions additions_for_your_.vimrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
"====[ Make the 81st column stand out ]====================

" EITHER the entire 81st column, full-screen...
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=magenta
set colorcolumn=81

" OR ELSE just the 81st column of wide lines...
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=magenta
call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%81v', 100)

" OR ELSE on April Fools day...
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=red ctermfg=blue
exec 'set colorcolumn=' . join(range(2,80,3), ',')

"=====[ Highlight matches when jumping to next ]=============

" This rewires n and N to do the highlighing...
nnoremap <silent> n n:call HLNext(0.4)<cr>
nnoremap <silent> N N:call HLNext(0.4)<cr>

" EITHER blink the line containing the match...
function! HLNext (blinktime)
set invcursorline
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
set invcursorline

" OR ELSE ring the match in red...
function! HLNext (blinktime)
highlight RedOnRed ctermfg=red ctermbg=red
let [bufnum, lnum, col, off] = getpos('.')
let matchlen = strlen(matchstr(strpart(getline('.'),col-1),@/))
echo matchlen
let ring_pat = (lnum > 1 ? '\%'.(lnum-1).'l\%>'.max([col-4,1]) .'v\%<'.(col+matchlen+3).'v.\|' : '')
\ . '\%'.lnum.'l\%>'.max([col-4,1]) .'v\%<'.col.'v.'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%'.lnum.'l\%>'.max([col+matchlen-1,1]) .'v\%<'.(col+matchlen+3).'v.'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%'.(lnum+1).'l\%>'.max([col-4,1]) .'v\%<'.(col+matchlen+3).'v.'
let ring = matchadd('RedOnRed', ring_pat, 101)
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
call matchdelete(ring)

" OR ELSE briefly hide everything except the match...
function! HLNext (blinktime)
highlight BlackOnBlack ctermfg=black ctermbg=black
let [bufnum, lnum, col, off] = getpos('.')
let matchlen = strlen(matchstr(strpart(getline('.'),col-1),@/))
let hide_pat = '\%<'.lnum.'l.'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%'.lnum.'l\%<'.col.'v.'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%'.lnum.'l\%>'.(col+matchlen-1).'v.'
\ . '\|'
\ . '\%>'.lnum.'l.'
let ring = matchadd('BlackOnBlack', hide_pat, 101)
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
call matchdelete(ring)

" OR ELSE just highlight the match in red...
function! HLNext (blinktime)
let [bufnum, lnum, col, off] = getpos('.')
let matchlen = strlen(matchstr(strpart(getline('.'),col-1),@/))
let target_pat = '\c\%#'.@/
let ring = matchadd('WhiteOnRed', target_pat, 101)
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
call matchdelete(ring)

"====[ Make tabs, trailing whitespace, and non-breaking spaces visible ]======

exec "set listchars=tab:\uBB\uBB,trail:\uB7,nbsp:~"
set list

"====[ Swap : and ; to make colon commands easier to type ]======

nnoremap ; :
nnoremap : ;

"====[ Swap v and CTRL-V, because Block mode is more useful that Visual mode "]======

nnoremap v <C-V>
nnoremap <C-V> v
vnoremap v <C-V>
vnoremap <C-V> v

"====[ Always turn on syntax highlighting for diffs ]=========================

" EITHER select by the file-suffix directly...
augroup PatchDiffHighlight
autocmd BufEnter *.patch,*.rej,*.diff syntax enable
augroup END

" OR ELSE use the filetype mechanism to select automatically...
filetype on
augroup PatchDiffHighlight
autocmd FileType diff syntax enable
augroup END

"====[ Open any file with a pre-existing swapfile in readonly mode "]=========

augroup NoSimultaneousEdits
autocmd SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = 'o'
autocmd SwapExists * echomsg ErrorMsg
autocmd SwapExists * echo 'Duplicate edit session (readonly)'
autocmd SwapExists * echohl None
autocmd SwapExists * sleep 2
augroup END

" Also consider the autoswap_mac.vim plugin (but beware its limitations)

"====[ Mappings to activate spell-checking alternatives ]================

nmap ;s :set invspell spelllang=en<CR>
nmap ;ss :set spell spelllang=en-basic<CR>
" To create the en-basic (or any other new) spelling list:
" :mkspell ~/.vim/spell/en-basic basic_english_words.txt
" See :help mkspell

"====[ Make CTRL-K list diagraphs before each digraph entry ]===============

inoremap <expr> <C-K> ShowDigraphs()
function! ShowDigraphs ()
call getchar()
return "\<C-K>"

" But also consider the hudigraphs.vim and betterdigraphs.vim plugins,
" which offer smarter and less intrusive alternatives

74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions intro.swtc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
A long time ago in a terminal far,
far away....

[ __ __ _____ _____ _____ ]
[ |* \/ *| /**_**\|**__*\|*____| ]
[ |*|\/|*||**/ \**|*|__|*|*__| ]
[ |*| |*|\**\_/**|**_**/|*|___ ]
[ |_| |_________/|_| \_\|_____| ]
[ __ __ _____ __ __ ]
[ \*\ /*/|_***_||* \/ *| ]
[ \*\/*/ |*| |*|\/|*| ]
[ \**/ _|*|__|*| |*| ]
[ \/ |________| |_| ]

[[ __ __ __ ____ ____ ]]
[[ |* \/ *| /**\|**_*\|*___| ]]
[[ |*|\/|*||*[]*|*|_|*|*_|_ ]]
[[ |_| |______/|_|\_\|____| ]]
[[ __ __ _____ __ __ ]]
[[ \*\/*/|_***_|* \/ *| ]]
[[ \**/ _|*|_|*|\/|*| ]]
[[ \/ |_______| |_| ]]

[[[ _ _ __ ___ ___ ]]]
[[[ ||\/||/**\|*_*>|*__| ]]]
[[[ || |____/|_|\\|___| ]]]
[[[ _ _ ___ _ _ ]]]
[[[ \\//|_*_| \/ | ]]]
[[[ \/ |____|\/|| ]]]

[[[[ |\/|/\|<>>|*_| ]]]]
[[[[ ||||\/||\\|__| ]]]]
[[[[ \\//|||\/| ]]]]
[[[[ \/ |||||| ]]]]

> Episode IV <
> <
> <
> <
|It is a period of software war.|
|Agile dev teams, checking out from|
|a distributed codebase, have won|
|their first symbolic victories|
|against the fanatical GNU Empire.|
| |
|During the battle, Open Source|
|hackers have managed to clone an|
|unauthorized source archive of the|
|Empire's new ultimate weapon, the|
|EMACS TAR: a fully operational|
|operating system with sufficient|
|Alt-Meta-Ctrl-commands to destroy|
|the carpal tunnels of an entire|
|planet. |
| |
|Evading GNU's copy-sinister agenda|
|the mysterious Vimlord, Con Wei,|
|dashes off new Vimscript tools in|
|his heavily fortified text-editor,|
|custodian of the latest tips and|
|plugins that may save his people|
|effort, and restore efficiency to|
|the keyboard.... |


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