Title: Chef's Corner (Project Food Book)
Getting Started: https://project-food-book.herokuapp.com/
Trello: https://trello.com/b/aQuXG0PS/project-food-book
Instructions: Login using your Google account, and start adding recipes to your cookbook! You can add notes, and identify recipe preparation difficulty with an easy-to-read drop down menu named for some of the best chefs in the world.
Stack used: Full-Stack; MEN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, Node.js) Additional technologies: HTML, CSS, Mongoose, Google Cloud, Google OAuth, Passport
Next Steps:
- Enable users to add images of user-created recipes.
- Pre-populate database by exposure to Tasty API.
- Enable users to create a friend list based on shared interest in recipes, only visible once they have added a recipe to their favorites.
- Enable a chat room function for sharing and discussing your favorite recipes.
- Enable a message board and comment system.