Dory Games is a powerful module that allows you to play games within Discord :)
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- Super simple and easy to use.
- Beginner friendly.
- Easy to Implement.
- Supports Slash Commands.
const { Snake } = require('dorygames')
new Snake({
message: message,
slash_command: false,
embed: {
title: 'Snake Game',
color: '#5865F2',
overTitle: 'Game Over',
snake: { head: '🟢', body: '🟩', tail: '🟢' },
emojis: {
board: '⬛',
food: '🍎',
up: '⬆️',
right: '➡️',
down: '⬇️',
left: '⬅️',
Looking for Examples? click here: Examples!
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { Snake } = require('dorygames');
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
if(message.content === '!snake') {
new Snake({
message: message,
slash_command: false,
embed: {
title: 'Snake Game',
color: '#5865F2',
OverTitle: 'Game Over',
snake: { head: '🟢', body: '🟩', tail: '🟢' },
emojis: {
board: '⬛',
food: '🍎',
up: '⬆️',
down: '⬇️',
right: '➡️',
left: '⬅️',