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🌴 An engine that can compile and evaluate expressions written in typescript


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Expression-language.js is an engine for javascript that can compile and evaluate expressions written in typescript.


Install via npm.

npm install expression-language.js --save

or yarn.

yarn add expression-language.js

Getting Started


import {Evaluator} from "expression-language.js";

const evaluator = new Evaluator();

// assume your have the following expr.
const expr = "user.ip in allowedIps and user.role is 'admin'";

const context = {
    user: {
        ip: "",
        role: "admin"
    allowedIps: ["", "... other ip"]

if (evaluator.evaluate(expr, context)) {
    // yes. you're allowed.

Supported binary & unary.


Operator Sample
or alias of `
and alias of &&
&& a && b
` `
^ a ^ b
& a & b
== a == b
=== a === b
is alias of ===
!= a != b
!== a !== b
< a < b
> a > b
>= a >= b
<= a <= b
in 10 in [8,10,12]
<< a << b
>> a >> b
+ a + b
- a - b
~ a ~ b
* a * b
/ a / b
% a % b


Operator Sample
+ +10
- -10
! !a
not alias of !
++ ++ a or a ++
-- -- a or a --

Function call.

evaluator.evaluate('say("hello", "world")', {
    say: function (left, right) {
        return left + ' ' + right;

// will output "hello world".

Method also supported.

evaluator.evaluate('people.say("hello", "world")', {
    people: {
        say: function (left, right) {
            return left + ' ' + right;

You can write multi expressions, separated by SEMICOLON(;); However, evaluator will only return the value of the last expr.

evaluator.evaluate('12; "abc"'); //will ouput "abc"

Assign statement is also supported.

evaluator.evaluate('a = 10; a + 2'); //will ouput 12


The MIT license. See MIT