This library produces FDF files for PDF Forms.
Left to finish
- add additional validation and tests for invalid configurations
- implement signature field support
Console Usage - -Generate CSV Export from PDF
$ /path/to/fdf-utility/bin/fdf wesnick:fdf:csv-export /path/to/my/pdf.pdf path/to/my/csv/csv --pdftk=/path/to/pdftk
-Generate Example Filled PDF
$ /path/to/fdf-utility/bin/fdf wesnick:fdf:example-pdf /path/to/my/emtpy-pdf.pdf path/to/my/filled-pdf.pdf --pdftk=/path/to/pdftk
You can also use the lirbary's components directly. The class PdfForm is a useful reference point.
Use composer.
"require": {
"wesnick/fdf-utility": "dev-master@dev"
PHP 5.6
Symfony Process Symfony Console (dev)
Much of the code for creating FDF files is based on Sid Steward's PDF work -- The test pdf form is borrowed from active_pdftk, as well as some ideas about how to handle pdftk field dumps
Fork and issue a Pull Request.
$ phpunit
Released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.