From 976356a2f0bec72e7ee218bdd4df9254789009b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andraz Vrhovec Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:49:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Add new FAQ questions --- src/content/faq.js | 4 +++- src/locales/sl.json | 8 ++++++++ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/content/faq.js b/src/content/faq.js index 9049cfc22..b0f040cf5 100644 --- a/src/content/faq.js +++ b/src/content/faq.js @@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ export default [ "countries-deaths-chart", "chart-reality", "chart-percentage", - "chart-log-scale" + "chart-log-scale", + "chart-correlation", + "chart-cases-by-age-group" ] }, { diff --git a/src/locales/sl.json b/src/locales/sl.json index 104a676a1..dd2108e5b 100644 --- a/src/locales/sl.json +++ b/src/locales/sl.json @@ -1626,6 +1626,14 @@ "question": "Kaj pomeni “eksponentna rast primerov”? Kako lahko merimo, s kakšno hitrostjo se širi epidemija?", "answer": "Pri epidemijah nalezljivih bolezni je zelo pomembna hitrost širjenja oz. stopnja rasti primerov, saj to vpliva tudi na število obolelih in smrti. Če se število primerov v nekem določenem času povečuje za enako število, npr. za 10 vsake tri dni – 10, 20, 30, 40 ..., gre za *linearno rast primerov*; če pa se število primerov v določenem časovnem obdobju podvoji, recimo podvojitev za 10 vsake 3 dni – 10, 20, 40, 80 …, pa govorimo o *eksponentni rasti*, ki v kratkem času privede do zelo velikega števila obolelih.\n\nČas podvojitve kot kazalec hitrosti širjenja epidemije se spreminja (pada, raste), zato ga ne smemo preprosto projicirati v prihodnost; kaže nam zgolj trenutno hitrost podvajanja primerov na podlagi podatkov iz preteklosti." }, + "chart-correlation": { + "question": "Kaj nam kaže \"Soodvisnost primerov, hospitaliziranih in umrlih\"?", + "answer": "[Graf soodvisnosti](/sl/stats#metrics-correlation-chart) prikazuje časovno soodvisnost med številom potrjenih primerov, številom hospitaliziranih pacientov s COVID-19 ter številom umrih zaradi te bolezni. Vsak od treh grafov je prikazan na svoji številčnici, saj na ta način najlažje prikažemo, koliko časa po rasti novih potrjenih primerov okužb lahko pričakujemo porast števila hospitaliziranih ter koliko časa kasneje tudi rast smrti.\n\nGraf ponuja dva menija pogledov. Na meniju neposredno pod grafom lahko s klikom na “Potrjeni primeri”, na “Hospitalizirani” ali na “Umrli” vključimo ali izključimo posamično krivuljo. Pod prvim menijem pa lahko s klikom na ikoni “Po dnevih (7-dnevno povprečje)” in “Skupaj” menjamo med sedemdnevnim povprečjem in skupnim številom potrjenih primerov, hospitaliziranih ali umrlih." + }, + "chart-cases-by-age-group": { + "question": "Kaj nam kaže \"Potrjeni primeri po starostnih skupinah\"?", + "answer": "[Graf](/sl/stats#age-groups-trends-chart) vsakodnevno število potrjenih primerov razdeli na starostne skupine, in sicer po desetletnih starostnih intervalih. Izjemi sta prvi interval (od 0 do 4 leta) ter zadnji odprti interval (85+). V izhodiščnem pogledu vidimo absolutno število dnevno potrjenih primerov, razdeljeno na starostne skupine.\n\nPod grafom sta dva menija pogledov. Meni neposredno pod grafom nam ponuja pogled posamične starostne skupine, meni pod njim pa še možnost preklapljanja pogleda med absolutnimi in relativnimi vrednostmi različnih starostnih skupin pri dnevnem številu potrjenih primerov ter pri številu aktivno okuženimi." + }, "what-is-sledilnik": { "question": "Kaj je Sledilnik?", "answer": "[Sledilnik je projekt](/sl/about), ki zbira, analizira in prikazuje nekaj najbolj uporabnih podatkov, da bi lahko bolje razumeli širjenje pandemije koronavirusa in bolezni COVID-19 skupaj z njeno dinamiko in obsegom.\n\nŽelimo si jasno predstaviti, kaj nam trenutni podatki in pregledi govorijo o širjenju virusa v Sloveniji, in zagotoviti, da postanejo informacije o obsegu in resnosti problema COVID-19 v Sloveniji vsem dostopne in čim bolj razumljive." From 4f694c7b9ce1604fd7efa9e617678ab9896029f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andraz Vrhovec Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:11:52 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Add new FAQ questions --- src/locales/en.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/locales/en.json b/src/locales/en.json index 410663d1c..6b000c3ac 100644 --- a/src/locales/en.json +++ b/src/locales/en.json @@ -1551,6 +1551,14 @@ "question": "Do your graphs represent the real picture?", "answer": "Yes, as far as they can, given the limitations of the current displays and of the data itself: the graphs on this page only show what can be deduced from the information given. For example, the total number of tests represents the number of tests performed to date, but does not reflect the total number of people tested, as some people, such as healthcare professionals and people suspected of being infected, have been repeatedly tested.\n\nHowever, the number of confirmed cases depends solely on testing. Since the majority of infected people, who have mild or no symptoms, have not been tested for COVID-19 at all, the number of confirmed cases is significantly lower than the actual number of infected people." }, + "chart-correlation": { + "question": "What does the \"Correlation between confirmed cases, hospitalization, and deaths\" graph mean?", + "answer": "The [correlation graph](/en/stats#metrics-correlation-chart) shows the temporal correlation between the number of confirmed cases, the number of hospitalized patients with, and the number of deaths caused by COVID-19. Each of the three graphs is shown on its scale, as this is the easiest way to show how long after the growth of new confirmed cases of infections we can expect an increase in the number of hospitalized and how much later also an increase in death.\n\nThe graph offers two view menus. In the menu directly below the graph, you can turn an individual curve on or off by clicking on “Confirmed cases”, “Hospitalized”, or “Dead”. Under the first menu, you can switch between the seven-day average and the total number of confirmed cases, hospitalized, or deceased by clicking on the icons \"By days (7-day average)\" and \"Total\"." + }, + "chart-cases-by-age-group": { + "question": "What does the \"Confirmed cases by age groups\" graph mean?", + "answer": "[Graph](/en/stats#age-groups-trends-chart) The graph divides the daily number of confirmed cases into age groups, according to ten-year age intervals. Exceptions are the first interval (0 to 4 years) and the last, open interval (85+). In the initial view, we see the absolute number of daily confirmed cases, divided into age groups.\n\nBelow the graph are two view menus. The menu directly below the graph offers a view of an individual age group, and the menu below it also offers the possibility of switching views between absolute and relative values of different age groups in the daily number of confirmed cases and in the number of actively infected." + }, "what-is-sledilnik": { "question": "What is Sledilnik?", "answer": "[Sledilnik je projekt](/en/about) is an open-data and open-sourced project that collects, analyzes and displays some of the most useful data to better understand the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 disease, along with its dynamics and scope. We want to make clear graphical and statistical visualizations of what current data and reviews tell us about the spread of the virus in Slovenia, and ensure that information on the magnitude and severity of the COVID-19 problem in Slovenia becomes accessible and comprehensible to all." From d2cdc53cafc5872773c064d67a830fa5cfb19933 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andraz Vrhovec Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 13:23:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Use NODE_ENV=production --- .env.production | 1 + .env.staging | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/.env.production b/.env.production index e66fe3a53..69bea8615 100644 --- a/.env.production +++ b/.env.production @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +NODE_ENV=production # ce hoces da so na voljo v templejtu, se morajo zaceti z VUE_APP VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINT_BASE= VUE_APP_CONTENT_ENDPOINT_BASE= diff --git a/.env.staging b/.env.staging index d7b5fcf8f..81e858d0f 100644 --- a/.env.staging +++ b/.env.staging @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +NODE_ENV=production # ce hoces da so na voljo v templejtu, se morajo zaceti z VUE_APP VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINT_BASE= VUE_APP_CONTENT_ENDPOINT_BASE=