Our aim is to make the Game Jam as accessible as possible to everyone. We want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. Therefore, we are providing this guide to help you get started.
Skip, Chalmers University and Gothenburg University present to you the March Game Jam 2024! In this game jam, you get to make a game based on a certain theme in just a few days! After submitting your game there will be a panel of judges who will vote on the games. This event is free and no experience in game development is needed! After all, this repository is here to help you get started.
Read more about the game jam on the itch.io page.
This repository provides a guide on common game development tools and techniques. The following are covered:
- Godot4 Game Engine
- Unity Game Engine
- Unreal Game Engine
- Introduction to Unreal Engine Part 1 (C++)
- Introduction to Unreal Engine Part 2 (Blueprints)
- YAHAHA Game Engine
The material is courtesy of Natasha Bianca Mangan (Chalmers University) and the SKIP community.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you get started and answer any questions you may have. We are here to help you succeed. 🚀 skip@gota.gu.se, Instagram, Discord
For general information about SKIP, please visit skipgu.org.