##Create React Express App About This Boilerplate This setup allows for a Node/Express/React to be deployed on Heroku.
The front-end React app will auto-reload as it's updated via a dev server, and the backend Express app will auto-reload independently with nodemon.
#First Step: Starting the app locally Install the front and backend dependencies. While in each directory, run the following command: npm i This should install node modules within the server and the client folder.
#Second Step: After both installations complete, run the following command while in your root folder, in one terminal: nodemon server.js
#Third Step: While in another terminal, in your client folder run the following command: npm start
#Result: Your app should now be running on http://localhost:3000. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.
#Deployment (Heroku) To deploy, simply add and commit your changes, and push to Heroku. As is, the NPM scripts should take care of the rest.