Input Data: The point dataset (testpoint.csv) consists of coordinates (x,y) of various points while the polygon dataset (testenvelope.csv) consists of coordinates of two diagonal points(x1, y1, x2, y2) of rectangles.
- Read the given testpoint.csv file in csv format. Write the points whose two attributes are all larger than 500 in delta format and save it named firstpointdata i.e., firstPointQuery()
- Read the firstpointdata in delta format. Print the total count of the points i.e., secondPointQuery()
- Read the given testenvelope.csv in csv format. Write the polygons whose four attributes are all larger than 900 in delta format and save it named firstpolydata i.e., firstPloygonQuery()
- Read the firstpolydata in delta format. Print the total count of the polygon i.e., secondPolygonQuery()
- Read the firstpointdata and firstpolydata in delta format. Find the total count for point pairs where the distance between the points within a pair is less than 2, and both points are within some rectangles from firstpolydata. Note the two points do not need to be in the same rectangle i.e., JoinQuery()