AbstractVM is a machine that uses a stack to compute simple arithmetic expressions. These arithmetic expressions are provided to the machine as basic assembly programs.
The main aim of the project was to force us to use C++ functions and methods we will most likely need to use in the future. A virtual machine is nothing more than a program that simulates a physical machine, or another virtual machine. Nevertheless, it is clear that a virtual machine that emulates a physical machine such as a desktop computer is a very advanced program that requires an important programming experience as well as a very in-depth architectural knowledge. For this project, requirements will be limited to a very simple virtual machine: it will run some basic arithmetic programs coded in a very basic assembly language. If you want to have an idea of what your program’s capabilities should look like, type the command man dc in your shell.
This Makefile has multiple instructions:
abstractVM(Creates Project), clean(Removes extraneous files), and fclean(Cleans, and removes executable)
[...] Creating AbstractVM
g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -march=native -flto=thin -std=c++14 srcs/abstractVM.cpp srcs/IOperand.cpp srcs/VirtualMachine.cpp srcs/LexInput.cpp -o abstractVM
[ ✔ ] Created AbstractVM
Simply typing "make" will create the abstractVM executable
The abstract VM executable can take input either from an Assembly Like file, or directly from standard input(Source File can be found below).
$> PUSH INT8(16)
$> PUSH INT16(32)
$> ...
./abstractVM inputfile.s
$> results
3 INSTR :=
4 push VALUE
5 | pop
6 | dump
7 | assert VALUE
8 | add
9 | sub
10 | mul
11 | div
12 | mod
13 | print
14 | exit
16 VALUE :=
17 int8(N)
18 | int16(N)
19 | int32(N)
20 | float(Z)
21 | double(Z)
23 N := [-]?[0..9]+
25 Z := [-]?[0..9]+.[0..9]+
27 SEP := '\n'+
;- Valid Source File -
push int32(42)
push int32(33)
add ;comment
push float(44.55)
push double(42.42)
;other comment
push int32(42)
assert double(42.42)