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File metadata and controls

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Capabilities Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Capabilities.V1

Terms describing capabilities of a service

There are some capabilities which are strongly recommended for services to support even though they are optional. Support for $top and $skip is a good example as supporting these query options helps with performance of a service and are essential. Such capabilities are assumed to be default capabilities of an OData service even in the case that a capabilities annotation doesn’t exist. Capabilities annotations are mainly expected to be used to explicitly specify that a service doesn’t support such capabilities. Capabilities annotations can as well be used to declaratively specify the support of such capabilities.

On the other hand, there are some capabilities that a service may choose to support or not support and in varying degrees. $filter and $orderby are such good examples. This vocabulary aims to define terms to specify support or no support for such capabilities.

A service is assumed to support by default the following capabilities even though an annotation doesn’t exist:

  • Countability ($count)
  • Client pageability ($top, $skip)
  • Expandability ($expand)
  • Indexability by key
  • Batch support ($batch)
  • Navigability of navigation properties

A service is expected to support the following capabilities. If not supported, the service is expected to call out the restrictions using annotations:

  • Filterability ($filter)
  • Sortability ($orderby)
  • Queryability of top level entity sets
  • Query functions

A client cannot assume that a service supports certain capabilities. A client can try, but it needs to be prepared to handle an error in case the following capabilities are not supported:

  • Insertability
  • Updatability
  • Deletability


Term Type Description
ConformanceLevel ConformanceLevelType The conformance level achieved by this service
SupportedFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats, including format parameters
SupportedMetadataFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats for $metadata, including format parameters
AcceptableEncodings [String] List of acceptable compression methods for ($batch) requests, e.g. gzip
AsynchronousRequestsSupported Tag Service supports the asynchronous request preference
BatchContinueOnErrorSupported Tag Service supports the continue on error preference. Supports $batch requests. Services that apply the BatchContinueOnErrorSupported term should also specify the ContinueOnErrorSupported property from the BatchSupport term.
IsolationSupported IsolationLevel Supported odata.isolation levels
CrossJoinSupported Tag Supports cross joins for the entity sets in this container
CallbackSupported CallbackType Supports callbacks for the specified protocols
ChangeTracking ChangeTrackingType Change tracking capabilities of this service or entity set
CountRestrictions CountRestrictionsType Restrictions on /$count path suffix and $count=true system query option
NavigationRestrictions NavigationRestrictionsType Restrictions on navigating properties according to OData URL conventions
Restrictions specified on an entity set are valid whether the request is directly to the entity set or through a navigation property bound to that entity set. Services can specify a different set of restrictions specific to a path, in which case the more specific restrictions take precedence.
IndexableByKey Tag Supports key values according to OData URL conventions
TopSupported Tag Supports $top
SkipSupported Tag Supports $skip
ComputeSupported Tag Supports $compute
SelectSupport SelectSupportType Support for $select and nested query options within $select
BatchSupported Tag Supports $batch requests. Services that apply the BatchSupported term should also apply the more comprehensive BatchSupport term.
BatchSupport BatchSupportType Batch Support for the service
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType Restrictions on filter expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType Restrictions on orderby expressions
ExpandRestrictions ExpandRestrictionsType Restrictions on expand expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType Restrictions on search expressions
KeyAsSegmentSupported Tag Supports key-as-segment convention for addressing entities within a collection
QuerySegmentSupported Tag Supports passing query options in the request body
InsertRestrictions InsertRestrictionsType Restrictions on insert operations
DeepInsertSupport DeepInsertSupportType? Deep Insert Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
UpdateRestrictions UpdateRestrictionsType Restrictions on update operations
DeepUpdateSupport DeepUpdateSupportType Deep Update Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeleteRestrictions DeleteRestrictionsType Restrictions on delete operations
CollectionPropertyRestrictions [CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType] Describes restrictions on operations applied to collection-valued structural properties
OperationRestrictions OperationRestrictionsType Restrictions for function or action operation
AnnotationValuesInQuerySupported Tag Supports annotation values within system query options
ModificationQueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType Support for query options with modification requests (insert, update, action invocation)
ReadRestrictions ReadRestrictionsType Restrictions for retrieving a collection of entities, retrieving a singleton instance.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Custom headers that are supported/required for the annotated resource (Example)
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Custom query options that are supported/required for the annotated resource (Example)
If the entity container is annotated, the query option is supported/required by all resources in that container.
MediaLocationUpdateSupported Tag Stream property supports update of its media edit URL and/or media read URL
Member Value Description
Minimal 0 Minimal conformance level
Intermediate 1 Intermediate conformance level
Advanced 2 Advanced conformance level
Flag Member Value Description
Snapshot 1 All data returned for a request, including multiple requests within a batch or results retrieved across multiple pages, will be consistent as of a single point in time

A non-empty collection lists the full set of supported protocols. A empty collection means 'only HTTP is supported'

Property Type Description
CallbackProtocols [CallbackProtocol] List of supported callback protocols, e.g. http or wss
Property Type Description
Id String? Protocol Identifier
UrlTemplate String? URL Template including parameters. Parameters are enclosed in curly braces {} as defined in RFC6570
DocumentationUrl URL? Human readable description of the meaning of the URL Template parameters
Property Type Description
Supported Boolean This entity set supports the odata.track-changes preference
FilterableProperties [PropertyPath] Change tracking supports filters on these properties
If no properties are specified or FilterableProperties is omitted, clients cannot assume support for filtering on any properties in combination with change tracking.
ExpandableProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] Change tracking supports these properties expanded
If no properties are specified or ExpandableProperties is omitted, clients cannot assume support for expanding any properties in combination with change tracking.
Property Type Description
Countable Boolean Entities can be counted (only valid if targeting an entity set)
NonCountableProperties [PropertyPath] Members of these collection properties cannot be counted
NonCountableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] Members of these navigation properties cannot be counted
Property Type Description
Navigability NavigationType? Default navigability for all navigation properties of the annotation target. Individual navigation properties can override this value via RestrictedProperties/Navigability.
RestrictedProperties [NavigationPropertyRestriction] List of navigation properties with restrictions
Property Type Description
NavigationProperty NavigationPropertyPath? Navigation properties can be navigated
Navigability NavigationType? Supported navigability of this navigation property
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType? Restrictions on filter expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType? Restrictions on search expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType? Restrictions on orderby expressions
TopSupported Boolean Supports $top
SkipSupported Boolean Supports $skip
SelectSupport SelectSupportType? Support for $select
IndexableByKey Boolean Supports key values according to OData URL conventions
InsertRestrictions InsertRestrictionsType? Restrictions on insert operations
DeepInsertSupport DeepInsertSupportType? Deep Insert Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
UpdateRestrictions UpdateRestrictionsType? Restrictions on update operations
DeepUpdateSupport DeepUpdateSupportType? Deep Update Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeleteRestrictions DeleteRestrictionsType? Restrictions on delete operations
OptimisticConcurrencyControl Boolean Data modification (including insert) along this navigation property requires the use of ETags
ReadRestrictions ReadRestrictionsType? Restrictions for retrieving entities
Member Value Description
Recursive 0 Navigation properties can be recursively navigated
Single 1 Navigation properties can be navigated to a single level
None 2 Navigation properties are not navigable
Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Supports $select
InstanceAnnotationsSupported Boolean Supports instance annotations in $select list
Expandable Boolean $expand within $select is supported
Filterable Boolean $filter within $select is supported
Searchable Boolean $search within $select is supported
TopSupported Boolean $top within $select is supported
SkipSupported Boolean $skip within $select is supported
ComputeSupported Boolean $compute within $select is supported
Countable Boolean $count within $select is supported
Sortable Boolean $orderby within $select is supported
Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Service supports requests to $batch
ContinueOnErrorSupported Boolean Service supports the continue on error preference
ReferencesInRequestBodiesSupported Boolean Service supports Content-ID referencing in request bodies
ReferencesAcrossChangeSetsSupported Boolean Service supports Content-ID referencing across change sets
EtagReferencesSupported Boolean Service supports referencing Etags from previous requests
RequestDependencyConditionsSupported Boolean Service supports the if member in JSON batch requests
SupportedFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats for $batch

Applicable Annotation Terms:

Property Type Description
Filterable Boolean $filter is supported
RequiresFilter Boolean $filter is required
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These properties must be specified in the $filter clause (properties of derived types are not allowed here)
NonFilterableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be used in filter expressions
FilterExpressionRestrictions [FilterExpressionRestrictionType] These properties only allow a subset of filter expressions. A valid filter expression for a single property can be enclosed in parentheses and combined by and with valid expressions for other properties.
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels (including recursion) that can be traversed in a filter expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

Applicable Annotation Terms:

Property Type Description
Property PropertyPath? Path to the restricted property
AllowedExpressions FilterExpressionType? Allowed subset of expressions

Type: String

Allowed Value Description
SingleValue Property can be used in a single eq clause
MultiValue Property can be used in multiple eq and in clauses, combined by or (which is logically equivalent to a single in clause)
SingleRange Property can be used in at most one ge and/or one le clause, separated by and
MultiRange Property can be compared to a union of one or more closed, half-open, or open intervals
The filter expression for this property consists of one or more interval expressions combined by or. A single interval expression is either a single comparison of the property and a literal value with eq, le, lt, ge, or gt, or pair of boundaries combined by and and enclosed in parentheses. The lower boundary is either ge or gt, the upper boundary either le or lt.
SearchExpression String property can be used as first operand in startswith, endswith, and contains clauses
MultiRangeOrSearchExpression Property can be compared to a union of zero or more closed, half-open, or open intervals plus zero or more simple string patterns
The filter expression for this property consists of one or more interval expressions or string comparison functions combined by or. See MultiRange for a definition of an interval expression. See SearchExpression for the allowed string comparison functions.
Property Type Description
Sortable Boolean $orderby is supported
AscendingOnlyProperties [PropertyPath] These properties can only be used for sorting in Ascending order
DescendingOnlyProperties [PropertyPath] These properties can only be used for sorting in Descending order
NonSortableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be used in orderby expressions

Applicable Annotation Terms:

Property Type Description
Expandable Boolean $expand is supported
StreamsExpandable Boolean $expand is supported for stream properties and media resources
NonExpandableProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These properties cannot be used in expand expressions
NonExpandableStreamProperties [PropertyPath] These stream properties cannot be used in expand expressions
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels that can be expanded in a expand expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

Applicable Annotation Terms:

Property Type Description
Searchable Boolean $search is supported
UnsupportedExpressions SearchExpressions Expressions not supported in $search

Applicable Annotation Terms:

Flag Member Value Description
none 0 Single search term
AND 1 Multiple search terms separated by AND
OR 2 Multiple search terms separated by OR
NOT 4 Search terms preceded by NOT
phrase 8 Search phrases enclosed in double quotes
group 16 Precedence grouping of search expressions with parentheses
Property Type Description
Insertable Boolean Entities can be inserted
NonInsertableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be specified on insert
NonInsertableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow deep inserts
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties must be specified on insert
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to insert into. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Entities of a specific derived type can be created by specifying a type-cast segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the insert.
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with insert requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request
Property Type Description
SchemeName SchemeName Authorization flow scheme name
Scopes [ScopeType] List of scopes that can provide access to the resource
Property Type Description
Scope String Name of the scope.
RestrictedProperties String? Comma-separated string value of all properties that will be included or excluded when using the scope.
Possible string value identifiers when specifying properties are *, PropertyName, -PropertyName.
* denotes all properties are accessible.
-PropertyName excludes that specific property.
PropertyName explicitly provides access to the specific property.
The absence of RestrictedProperties denotes all properties are accessible using that scope.
Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Annotation target supports deep inserts
ContentIDSupported Boolean Annotation target supports accepting and returning nested entities annotated with the Core.ContentID instance annotation.
Property Type Description
Updatable Boolean Entities can be updated
Upsertable Boolean Entities can be upserted
DeltaUpdateSupported Boolean Entities can be inserted, updated, and deleted via a PATCH request with a delta payload
UpdateMethod HttpMethod? Supported HTTP Methods (PUT or PATCH) for updating an entity. If null, PATCH SHOULD be supported and PUT MAY be supported.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
NonUpdatableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be specified on update
NonUpdatableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow rebinding
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties must be specified on update
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection or entity to update. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the update.
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with update requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request
Flag Member Value Description
GET 1 The HTTP GET Method
PUT 4 The HTTP PUT Method
HEAD 64 The HTTP HEAD Method
Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Annotation target supports deep updates
ContentIDSupported Boolean Annotation target supports accepting and returning nested entities annotated with the Core.ContentID instance annotation.
Property Type Description
Deletable Boolean Entities can be deleted
NonDeletableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow DeleteLink requests
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to delete from or the entity to delete. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the delete.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request
Property Type Description
CollectionProperty PropertyPath? Restricted Collection-valued property
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType? Restrictions on filter expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType? Restrictions on search expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType? Restrictions on orderby expressions
TopSupported Boolean Supports $top
SkipSupported Boolean Supports $skip
SelectSupport SelectSupportType? Support for $select
Insertable Boolean Members can be inserted into this collection
If additionally annotated with Core.PositionalInsert, members can be inserted at a specific position
Updatable Boolean Members of this ordered collection can be updated by ordinal
Deletable Boolean Members of this ordered collection can be deleted by ordinal
Property Type Description
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Bound action or function can be invoked on a collection-valued binding parameter path with a /$filter(...) segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to invoke an action or function
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Property Type Description
ExpandSupported Boolean Supports $expand with modification requests
SelectSupported Boolean Supports $select with modification requests
ComputeSupported Boolean Supports $compute with modification requests
FilterSupported Boolean Supports $filter with modification requests
SearchSupported Boolean Supports $search with modification requests
SortSupported Boolean Supports $orderby with modification requests

Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request

Restrictions for retrieving an entity by key

Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request
Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A lengthy description of the request
ReadByKeyRestrictions ReadByKeyRestrictionsType? Restrictions for retrieving an entity by key
Only valid when applied to a collection. If a property of ReadByKeyRestrictions is not specified, the corresponding property value of ReadRestrictions applies.

A custom parameter is either a header or a query option

The type of a custom parameter is always a string. Restrictions on the parameter values can be expressed by annotating the record expression describing the parameter with terms from the Validation vocabulary, e.g. Validation.Pattern or Validation.AllowedValues.

Property Type Description
Name String Name of the custom parameter
Description String? Description of the custom parameter
DocumentationURL URL? URL of related documentation
Required Boolean true: parameter is required, false or not specified: parameter is optional
ExampleValues [PrimitiveExampleValue] Example values for the custom parameter