You need to install install psycopg2 and flask.
To use the website you need to set up a PostGreSQL database using any application you typically use, however I found issues using Docker Desktop to host the database as the database name could not be found despite being correct details. Any other application like pgAdmin 4 is perfectly usable. After creating a fresh database you will need the database name, database user, database password, hostname, and port number. The default port PostgreSQL databases use is 5432 and if using pgAdmin 4 then the username is default 'postgres'. Once you have these details you need to go to the 'siwel_files' folder and run the '' file. Use the 'Other' option and follow the prompts. This should print the results of a test prompt if successeful, if unsuccessful this is a problem with your database. After the database is now set up you need to add it as the database that the website will connect to in '' which is in the same folder as ''. On line 9 in '' there is the create_connection function, fill in the database, user, password, host, and port parameters with the same you entered in ''. Save your changes and now the website is good to go.
In the parent directory run the '' file.