We can use AWS eksctl command line approach to create EKS cluster. Setup is like below.
- We are using our devops-practice AMI for workstation.
- Workstation need to have below packages installed.
- Docker
- Kubectl
- Eksctl
- Kubens Run the script to install automatically.
sudo sh workstation.sh
- We are using Default VPC with allow-all security group.
- Configure AWS. this EC2 instance should have access to provision EKS cluster.
aws configure
EKS is AWS kubernetes service. EKS is the master node completely managed by AWS. We can't have SSH access to it.
- We are going to use EKS managed node group, means we no need to worry about installations, underlying OS, etc.
- We are using spot instances to reduce the bill.
- Create one key-pair and import public key into AWS.
eksctl create cluster --config-file=eks.yaml