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A fluid and responsive theme for a professional portfolio website based on Hugo


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Hugo Claris: a fluid and responsive theme for a professional portfolio website

iPhone 12 Pro landscape

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Claris is a theme for Hugo, the world’s fastest static website generator.

  • Mobile-first: Claris works great on mobile devices as well as on laptops, iMacs, and desktop PCs.
  • Responsive: Adapts its layout and design to the device and orientation of the user.
  • Modular: Implemented as a Hugo module, which is just a Go module.



iPhone 12 Pro (390x844px)

iPhone 12 Pro portrait


WXGA 1280x720px

Desktop WXGA 1280x720

WXGA 1280x720

Getting Started with Hugo Claris

Follow these steps to start using Claris for your Hugo site.

1. Get Hugo

Ensure that you have Hugo installed on your system. You need Hugo’s extended version (0.121.0 or later). Install it from the official Hugo website.

2. Initialize your Hugo site

To use Claris as a Hugo module, create and initialize your Hugo site (if you haven't already) in three steps:

2.a Create a new directory and cd into it

While you could let Hugo initialize the site using hugo new site your-hugo-site, this will add only two files, both of which we will need to delete immediately.

mkdir your-hugo-site
cd your-hugo-site

2.b Initialize your site as a Hugo module

Determine, where you will put the repository of your Hugo site. The URL of the repository minus the scheme (https://) will be the identifier of your site's Hugo module.

For example, if you aim to put your site on GitHub and your GitHub user name is your-username, you would run:

hugo mod init

2.c Add Hugo's base directories

mkdir -p archetypes assets config content data i18n layouts static themes

3. Install the Module for Claris

In the following step, we add the Claris theme to the configuration of Hugo. This must only be done after the current directory has been initialized as a Hugo Module using the above command (hugo mod init...).

3.a Add a reference to the Claris theme in Hugo's main configuration file

First, we need to add Claris as a module to the main config file of Hugo. I highly recommend that you prepare for having separate configuration files for your development and production environments. Hugo supports this via the following directory structure:

config/_default     # Configuration that applies to all environments
config/development  # Configuration for the development environment, 
                    # builds upon `_default`
config/production   # Configuration for the production environment,
                    # builds upon `_default`

To configure Hugo to use the Claris theme, you edit its main configuration file to add the Claris theme under module -> imports.

If you are not familiar with the file format named TOML or, like me, just prefer YAML, then now is the perfect time to decide which format your config files shall use. Depending on the format you have chosen (TOML or YAML), add one of the following blocks to your main configuration file.

Using TOML for your configuration files

If you will use TOML, add the following block to your config/_default/hugo.toml file:

baseURL = "/"
title = "Hugo theme *Claris* Demo"

    path = ""

Using YAML for your configuration files

If you will use YAML, add the following block to your config/_default/hugo.yaml:

baseURL: /
title: Hugo theme *Claris* Demo

    - path:

Make sure you only have one of these two files and you do not have a file called hugo.toml or hugo.yaml in the root of your project.

3.b Fetch the Claris module

The module will be fetched by running the following command:

hugo mod get -u
If this does not work...

If you add any module to the Hugo configuration without having initialized the current directory as a Hugo Module with hugo mod init (see Step 2.b above), you will get the following error message:

Error: failed to load modules: 
module "" not found in 
either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in 
".../your-hugo-site/themes".: module does not exist

This error indicates that you have correctly configured the module to be loaded but your site's root directory itself is not a Hugo Module.

You can easily verify this by checking if there is a file named go.mod:

cat go.mod

This should yield something along the following lines:


go 1.23

require ( v0.0.0-20240505124848-a527345b7de9 // indirect v0.0.0-20241125145343-9821a3e92479 // indirect v0.0.0-20230505145305-a0afa1d13cf7 // indirect

Before you try to go back to the above step, you need to temporarily rename your configuration, otherwise initializing the directory as Hugo Module will not work. To rectify the situation, you may proceed along the following lines:

mv -i config{,-disabled}

hugo mod init

mv -i config{-disabled,}

3.c Create the file for your site's home page

hugo new content

4. Run hugo server Locally

Start the Hugo server with:

hugo server

Your site should now be running locally, accessible at http://localhost:1313. You can see Claris in action!

4. Deploy to Cloudflare Pages

To deploy your Hugo site with the Claris theme to Cloudflare Pages:


We welcome contributions to Claris! Whether it's bug fixes, feature additions, or improvements to the documentation, your help is appreciated. Please read our Code of Conduct and Contributing Guide for guidance on how to contribute.


Claris is MIT licensed.

For more detailed information and advanced configuration options, visit the Hugo Claris repository on GitHub.


A fluid and responsive theme for a professional portfolio website based on Hugo



Code of conduct


