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Content of my personal website based on Hugo, the world's fastest static site generator

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This repository hosts my professional website built with Hugo based on my theme Hugo Claris.

Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions

This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow named Deploy Hugo site to Cloudflare Pages in the file .github/workflows/cloudflare-pages.yaml. This workflow is triggered on push to either the main or the devel branch.

Deployment to Cloudflare Pages

The workflow builds the website and then deploys it to the Cloudflare Pages project corresponding to the branch.

Git branch Cloudflare Pages project Cloudflare domain Custom domain
main heimlicher
stage heimlicher-stage

How to get this website up and running

Get everything required

  1. Install Hugo and Dart Sass
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install the required Node packages

Hugo is available in two editions: standard and extended. This website requires the extended edition version 0.121.0 or later.

The theme also requires Dart Sass in version 1.70.0 or later to compile the SASS files of the theme to CSS.

On a Mac with homebrew already installed, you can simply run

brew install hugo sass/sass/sass

This will install the extended edition of Hugo. There is no standard edition in Homebrew, which makes life simple.

2. Clone this repo

git clone

3. Install the required Node packages

npm install

Local development

For development, run

hugo server

Build for deployment

To build for deployment, run


Organization of this repository

The repository contains the following:

  1. Content: articles with their associated images
  2. Assets: assets such as share images
  3. Configuration: configuration files for all environments (devel, test, stage, prod) of

1. Content

Under /content/ this repository contains the source of all pages of this website in the form of Hugo Page Bundles, which comprise a Markdown file named and associated images.

2. Assets

The directory /assets/ contains only the share images, which are included in the respective sections of the <head> node for LD+JSON, OpenGraph and

3. Configuration

The configuration is primarily contained in the directory config/_default. The other directories (i.e., devel, test, stage and prod) contain only configuration that deviates from the _default.


Content of my personal website based on Hugo, the world's fastest static site generator






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