Rasperry Pi based music interceptor that visualises the audio on the RGB LED strip.
Swift based open-source audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform.
Enabled frequencies from music to be displayed in columns via Raspberry Pi and LPD8806 or WS2801 LED chipset
We present sndtools, a set of cross platform, open-source tools for simultaneously displaying related audio and visual information in real-time.
- Dynamics in music - Dynamics of gesture, both its movement in space and changing in brightness
- Melodic development - Character and dynamics of drawing
- Music tempo - Speed of movement and transformation of visual images
- Music rhythm and meter - Spatial and temporal accents in the visual arts
- Timbre development - Color development
- Tonality change - Development of coloring of the whole picture or color plane
- Mode changing (minor and major shifts) - Lightening ordarkening
Whitepapers and stuff for reading.
Note colors
The chromatic scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone above or below another. Link
Chromesthesia or sound-to-color synesthesia is a type of synesthesia in which heard sounds automatically and involuntarily evoke an experience of color. Link