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Releases: signorpipo/wle-pp


22 Aug 08:21
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  • Bug fixing and adjustments


14 Jun 13:58
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  • added more settings to the experimental locomotion component, for example
    • more teleport related settings, to specify the materials to use, the distance, the kind of teleport (Shift/Blink)
    • gravity settings
    • default locomotion type (smooth/teleport)
  • add DebugVisualManager.drawUIText to easily draw debug text in the front of the Player
    • this can be very useful to print stuff that u would normally add to the console but prefer to always have visible in your view (e.g. the speed)


  • two more params have been added to easy tune variables constructors, so u might have to adjust when u create them
    • onValueChangedEventListener, that u can use to specify directly on construction a way to update the variable in your class directly on change
      • new EasyTuneNumber("Float", this.value, (newValue) => this.value = newValue, ...)
    • showOnWidget, used to specify if a variable should show up in the widget, so u can hide the ones u still want to have in the code
  • easy tune variables creation can now be done directly above where u use it, even every frame, a quick and dirty solution for quick testing
    • before the new variable would have overwritten the previous one, where now this does not happen
    •   // u can now do this in update
        Globals.getEasyTuneVariables().add(new EasyTuneNumber("Float", 1);
        this.value = Globals.getEasyTuneVariables().get("Float");
    • since u can now specify a callback on construction this is not as useful but can still be a way to add a quick temporary way to tune a value
  • renamed PlayerPivot to ReferenceSpace
    • the Player object can finally be set to 0 and does not need to be rotated 180 degrees to look where u want to in the scene
    • this is a sort of a breaking change:
      • u need to reassign the ReferenceSpace object in the pp-gateway component
      • u need to rotate the ReferenceSpace object 180 degrees on the Y in the scene


13 Jun 08:04
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  • added more settings to the experimental locomotion component, for example
    • more teleport related settings, to specify the materials to use, the distance, the kind of teleport (Shift/Blink)
    • gravity settings
  • add DebugVisualManager.drawUIText to easily draw debug text in the front of the Player
    • this can be very useful to print stuff that u would normally add to the console but prefer to always have visible in your view (e.g. the speed)


  • two more params have been added to easy tune variables constructors, so u might have to adjust when u create them
    • onValueChangedEventListener, that u can use to specify directly on construction a way to update the variable in your class directly on change
      • new EasyTuneNumber("Float", this.value, (newValue) => this.value = newValue, ...)
    • showOnWidget, used to specify if a variable should show up in the widget, so u can hide the ones u still want to have in the code
  • easy tune variables creation can now be done directly above where u use it, even every frame, a quick and dirty solution for quick testing
    • before the new variable would have overwritten the previous one, where now this does not happen
    •   // u can now do this in update
        Globals.getEasyTuneVariables().add(new EasyTuneNumber("Float", 1);
        this.value = Globals.getEasyTuneVariables().get("Float");
    • since u can now specify a callback on construction this is not as useful but can still be a way to add a quick temporary way to tune a value
  • renamed PlayerPivot to ReferenceSpace
    • the Player object can finally be set to 0 and does not need to be rotated 180 degrees to look where u want to in the scene
    • this is a sort of a breaking change:
      • u need to reassign the ReferenceSpace object in the pp-gateway component
      • u need to rotate the ReferenceSpace object 180 degrees on the Y in the scene


07 May 17:30
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This version marks a lot of changes for the library.

The main changes are:

  • PP has switched from being a global variable with every definition inside it to import/export
    • this means that u can't do PP.Class anymore but u have to import the Class from its module
  • Global variables are not under anymore, but u have to get them
    • PP.myLeftGamepad is now, for example, Globals.getLeftGamepad()
  • The setup for the PP library is simpler now, you basically just need to add the pp-gateway component to your scene
    • on this component you will find various options to customize the PP library
  • Even though the extensions (like the object extension) are still used and need for the PP library, you can now use them as normal Utils functions
    • u can either do object.pp_lookAt(position) or ObjectUtils.lookAt(object, position)
    • u can either do vector.vec3_add(otherVector) or Vec3Utils.add(vector, otherVector)
  • Some APIs have changed so u might need to adjust functions names and params
  • Thanks to the switch to import/export u will have a better auto-completion from the code editor
  • The locomotion is still in an experimental phase but is now more stable and there are more params exposed on the component
  • You can still access both PP and WL in the console at runtime for debugging purposes
  • Every function that u can import from a Utils can also be imported singularly
    • u can import MeshUtils and do MeshUtils.clone or directly import the clone function
    • this is true not only for Utils but also for other kinds of "functions collectors" like Globals


05 May 12:12
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This version marks a lot of changes for the library.

The main changes are:

  • PP has switched from being a global variable with every definition inside it to import/export
    • this means that u can't do PP.Class anymore but u have to import the Class from its module
  • Global variables are not under anymore, but u have to get them
    • PP.myLeftGamepad is now, for example, Globals.getLeftGamepad()
  • The setup for the PP library is simpler now, you basically just need to add the pp-gateway component to your scene
    • on this component you will find various options to customize the PP library
  • Even though the extensions (like the object extension) are still used and need for the PP library, you can now use them as normal Utils functions
    • u can either do object.pp_lookAt(position) or ObjectUtils.lookAt(object, position)
    • u can either do vector.vec3_add(otherVector) or Vec3Utils.add(vector, otherVector)
  • Some APIs have changed so u might need to adjust functions names and params
  • Thanks to the switch to import/export u will have a better auto-completion from the code editor
  • The locomotion is still in an experimental phase but is now more stable and there are more params exposed on the component
  • You can still access both PP and WL in the console at runtime for debugging purposes
  • Every function that u can import from a Utils can also be imported singularly
    • u can import MeshUtils and do MeshUtils.clone or directly import the clone function
    • this is true not only for Utils but also for other kinds of "functions collectors" like Globals


16 Mar 10:57
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  • added experimental locomotion, good luck with it!
  • PP.DebugFunctionPerformanceAnalyzer -> let you specify a class or an object instance and count all the calls that are being made on its functions as for its total execution time
  • added the pp-gateway component which takes care of the part of the setup for the PP library that does not require any editor interaction


  • lots of optimizations for the array extension
  • getAxesInfo and registerAxesEventListener now require a PP.GamepadAxesID parameter, for example PP.GamepadAxesID.THUMBSTICK


09 Mar 16:26
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  • added experimental locomotion, good luck with it!
  • PP.DebugFunctionPerformanceAnalyzer -> let you specify a class or an object instance and count all the calls that are being made on its functions as for its total execution time


  • lots of optimizations for the array extension
  • getAxesInfo and registerAxesEventListener now require a PP.GamepadAxesID parameter, for example PP.GamepadAxesID.THUMBSTICK


16 Dec 10:52
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  • pp-virtual-gamepad -> add a virtual gamepad interface so that u are able to use the gamepad even on mobile devices
  • add scene extension, a set of functions added to WL.scene like pp_getRoot() or pp_getObjectByName("name")
  • pp-show-fps -> component that shows the fps in the corner of the screen
  • PP.VisualManager -> a new feature based on the PP.DebugManager to draw visual at runtime like lines, arrows and raycasts
  • PP.TrackedHandJointPose -> let you easily retrieve the transform and velocities of a given tracked hand joint
    • this comes with other feature related to the tracked hand like pp-tracked-hand-draw-joint to visualize a specific joint, or pp-set-tracked-hand-joint-local-transform to set the transform of the object as one of the joint, locally to the player


  • changed PP.ButtonType to PP.GamepadButtonID
  • sync with Wonderland Engine 0.9.5
  • the easy tune now let you import and export the variables you have tuned at runtime
  • PP.DebugManager now uses the new visual feature under the hood
  • the object extension now let you stringify the object with pp_toString
  • the tools like the console vr or the easy tune can now be used even in non VR
  • the gamepad feature now supports thumb rest button


02 Dec 13:25
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  • add scene extension, a set of functions added to WL.scene like pp_getRoot() or pp_getObjectByName("name")
  • pp-show-fps -> component that shows the fps in the corner of the screen
  • PP.VisualManager -> a new feature based on the PP.DebugManager to draw visual at runtime like lines, arrows and raycasts
  • PP.TrackedHandJointPose -> let you easily retrieve the transform and velocities of a given tracked hand joint
    • this comes with other feature related to the tracked hand like pp-tracked-hand-draw-joint to visualize a specific joint, or pp-set-tracked-hand-joint-local-transform to set the transform of the object as one of the joint, locally to the player


  • changed PP.ButtonType to PP.GamepadButtonID
  • sync with Wonderland Engine 0.9.4
  • the easy tune now let you import and export the variables you have tuned at runtime
  • PP.DebugManager now uses the new visual feature under the hood
  • the object extension now let you stringify the object with pp_toString
  • the tools like the console vr or the easy tune can now be used even in non VR
  • the gamepad feature now supports thumb rest button


23 Nov 12:02
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  • add scene extension, a set of functions added to WL.scene like pp_getRoot() or pp_getObjectByName("name")
  • pp-show-fps -> component that shows the fps in the corner of the screen
  • PP.VisualManager -> a new feature based on the PP.DebugManager to draw visual at runtime like lines, arrows and raycasts
  • PP.TrackedHandJointPose -> let you easily retrieve the transform and velocities of a given tracked hand joint
    • this comes with other feature related to the tracked hand like pp-tracked-hand-draw-joint to visualize a specific joint, or pp-set-tracked-hand-joint-local-transform to set the transform of the object as one of the joint, locally to the player


  • sync with Wonderland Engine 0.9.4
  • the easy tune now let you import and export the variables you have tuned at runtime
  • PP.DebugManager now uses the new visual feature under the hood
  • the object extension now let you stringify the object with pp_toString
  • the tools like the console vr or the easy tune can now be used even in non VR
  • the gamepad feature now supports thumb rest button