diff --git a/share/wake/lib/system/http.wake b/share/wake/lib/system/http.wake
index 132bf50de..de6a2c97e 100644
--- a/share/wake/lib/system/http.wake
+++ b/share/wake/lib/system/http.wake
@@ -303,15 +303,17 @@ export def makeBinaryRequest (request: HttpRequest): Result Path Error =
# 2. change the permissions of that new path to write-protected
# which is then refected in the permissions of the path generated by this function preventing
# it from being overwritten. To work around this we need for force remove the file before
- # downloading over the path.
+ # downloading over the path. After removing the file, it is touched so that the job always
+ # outputs a file even if curl fails to download the target. Without this wake-hash fails to
+ # hash a non-existant file, in the curl failure case.
+ def cleanupScript =
+ """
+ rm -f %{destination}
+ touch %{destination}
+ """
def cleanupJob =
- makeExecPlan
- (
- "rm",
- "-f",
- destination,
- )
- Nil
+ makeShellPlan cleanupScript Nil
| setPlanLabel "http: rm {destination}"
| setPlanStdout logNever
| setPlanStderr logNever
diff --git a/share/wake/lib/system/remote_cache_runner.wake b/share/wake/lib/system/remote_cache_runner.wake
index 6aef97626..e65e5fd44 100644
--- a/share/wake/lib/system/remote_cache_runner.wake
+++ b/share/wake/lib/system/remote_cache_runner.wake
@@ -59,6 +59,167 @@ export def mkRemoteCacheRunner (rscApi: RemoteCacheApi) (hashFn: Result RunnerIn
Pass output
+ def rehydrateJob response label input job =
+ require (Match details) = response
+ else unreachable "two-constructor tuple must have one value"
+ def _ =
+ require True = shouldDebugRemoteCache Unit
+ def _ = breadcrumb "{label}: Found a match in the cache"
+ def _ = writeTempFile "remote.cache.lookup.hit" "label: {input.getRunnerInputLabel}"
+ True
+ def (
+ CacheSearchResponseMatch
+ outputSymlinks
+ outputDirs
+ outputFiles
+ stdoutBlob
+ stderrBlob
+ status
+ runtime
+ cputime
+ mem
+ ibytes
+ obytes
+ ) = details
+ # Start these downloads now since they aren't written to disk
+ def stdoutDownload = rscApiGetStringBlob stdoutBlob
+ def stderrDownload = rscApiGetStringBlob stderrBlob
+ def doMakeDirectory (CacheSearchOutputDirectory path mode) =
+ # wake-format off
+ def cmd =
+ "mkdir",
+ "-m", mode.strOctal,
+ "-p", path,
+ require True =
+ makeExecPlan cmd Nil
+ | setPlanLabel "rsc: mkdir output dir {path}"
+ | setPlanPersistence Once
+ | runJobWith localRunner
+ | setJobInspectVisibilityHidden
+ | isJobOk
+ else failWithError "rsc: Failed to mkdir output dir: {path}"
+ Pass Unit
+ # We need to create directories from shallowest to deepest, each directory along the
+ # chain may have a different permission set and by creating short dirs first we
+ # ensure they don't incorrectly inheret the permissions of a subdir. This required
+ # ordering significantly decreases parallism, however this is mitigated by the fact
+ # that most outputs are files, not dirs.
+ def dirLoop (dirs: List CacheSearchOutputDirectory) = match dirs
+ Nil -> Pass Nil
+ h, t ->
+ require Pass dir = doMakeDirectory h
+ require Pass rest = dirLoop t
+ Pass (dir, rest)
+ def lenOrder lhs rhs =
+ def lhsLen = lhs.getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath.strlen
+ def rhsLen = rhs.getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath.strlen
+ if lhsLen == rhsLen then
+ EQ
+ else if lhsLen < rhsLen then
+ LT
+ else
+ GT
+ def orderedDirs =
+ outputDirs
+ | sortBy lenOrder
+ # We don't actually care about the result here but we need to ensure that all
+ # directories are created before potentially downloading files into them.
+ require Pass _ = dirLoop orderedDirs
+ else failWithError "rsc: Failed to make output directory"
+ # The path is downloaded directly, as is, because it is relative to the workspace.
+ # Everything besides Command is stored in the server as workspace relative
+ def doDownload (CacheSearchOutputFile path mode blob) = rscApiGetFileBlob blob path mode
+ # Link must point to path. We do the reverse here of what is done for posting a job
+ def doMakeSymlink (CacheSearchOutputSymlink path link) =
+ require True =
+ makeExecPlan
+ (
+ "ln",
+ # create symbolic link
+ "-s",
+ # overwrite on disk if a file already exists at that path.
+ # Ideally, we could just fail but its very common to delete wake.db
+ # without cleaning all the outputs. This causes problems since the link
+ # would already exist on disk
+ "-f",
+ path,
+ link,
+ )
+ Nil
+ | setPlanLabel "rsc: symlink {link} to {path}"
+ | setPlanPersistence Once
+ | runJobWith localRunner
+ | setJobInspectVisibilityHidden
+ | isJobOk
+ else failWithError "rsc: Failed to link {link} to {path}"
+ Pass Unit
+ def outputFilesDownload =
+ outputFiles
+ | map doDownload
+ # Symlinks don't need to wait for files, the symlinks will just momentarily be invalid if created first
+ def outputSymlinksDownload =
+ outputSymlinks
+ | map doMakeSymlink
+ def resolvedOutputs =
+ outputFiles
+ | map getCacheSearchOutputFilePath
+ def resolvedSymlinks =
+ outputSymlinks
+ | map getCacheSearchOutputSymlinkLink
+ def resolvedDirectories =
+ outputDirs
+ | map getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath
+ def outputs = resolvedOutputs ++ resolvedDirectories ++ resolvedSymlinks
+ def predict = Usage status runtime cputime mem ibytes obytes
+ def inputs = map getPathName (input.getRunnerInputVisible)
+ require Pass stdout =
+ stdoutDownload
+ | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download stdout for '{label}'"
+ require Pass stderr =
+ stderrDownload
+ | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download stderr for '{label}'"
+ # We don't actually care about the result here but we need to ensure that all
+ # downloads have completed before returning.
+ require Pass _ =
+ outputFilesDownload
+ | findFail
+ | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download a blob"
+ require Pass _ =
+ outputSymlinksDownload
+ | findFail
+ | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to create a symlink"
+ def _ = virtual job stdout stderr status runtime cputime mem ibytes obytes
+ Pass (RunnerOutput inputs outputs predict)
def doit job runnerInput = match runnerInput
Fail e ->
def _ = badlaunch job e
@@ -106,168 +267,11 @@ export def mkRemoteCacheRunner (rscApi: RemoteCacheApi) (hashFn: Result RunnerIn
# If a match was found use it
require NoMatch = response
- require (Match details) = response
- else unreachable "two-constructor tuple must have one value"
- def _ =
- require True = shouldDebugRemoteCache Unit
- def _ = breadcrumb "{label}: Found a match in the cache"
- def _ =
- writeTempFile "remote.cache.lookup.hit" "label: {input.getRunnerInputLabel}"
- True
- def (
- CacheSearchResponseMatch
- outputSymlinks
- outputDirs
- outputFiles
- stdoutBlob
- stderrBlob
- status
- runtime
- cputime
- mem
- ibytes
- obytes
- ) = details
- # Start these downloads now since they aren't written to disk
- def stdoutDownload = rscApiGetStringBlob stdoutBlob
- def stderrDownload = rscApiGetStringBlob stderrBlob
- def doMakeDirectory (CacheSearchOutputDirectory path mode) =
- # wake-format off
- def cmd =
- "mkdir",
- "-m", mode.strOctal,
- "-p", path,
- require True =
- makeExecPlan cmd Nil
- | setPlanLabel "rsc: mkdir output dir {path}"
- | setPlanPersistence Once
- | runJobWith localRunner
- | setJobInspectVisibilityHidden
- | isJobOk
- else failWithError "rsc: Failed to mkdir output dir: {path}"
- Pass Unit
- # We need to create directories from shallowest to deepest, each directory along the
- # chain may have a different permission set and by creating short dirs first we
- # ensure they don't incorrectly inheret the permissions of a subdir. This required
- # ordering significantly decreases parallism, however this is mitigated by the fact
- # that most outputs are files, not dirs.
- def dirLoop (dirs: List CacheSearchOutputDirectory) = match dirs
- Nil -> Pass Nil
- h, t ->
- require Pass dir = doMakeDirectory h
- require Pass rest = dirLoop t
- Pass (dir, rest)
- def lenOrder lhs rhs =
- def lhsLen = lhs.getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath.strlen
- def rhsLen = rhs.getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath.strlen
- if lhsLen == rhsLen then
- EQ
- else if lhsLen < rhsLen then
- LT
- else
- GT
- def orderedDirs =
- outputDirs
- | sortBy lenOrder
- # We don't actually care about the result here but we need to ensure that all
- # directories are created before potentially downloading files into them.
- require Pass _ = dirLoop orderedDirs
- else failWithError "rsc: Failed to make output directory"
- # The path is downloaded directly, as is, because it is relative to the workspace.
- # Everything besides Command is stored in the server as workspace relative
- def doDownload (CacheSearchOutputFile path mode blob) =
- rscApiGetFileBlob blob path mode
- # Link must point to path. We do the reverse here of what is done for posting a job
- def doMakeSymlink (CacheSearchOutputSymlink path link) =
- require True =
- makeExecPlan
- (
- "ln",
- # create symbolic link
- "-s",
- # overwrite on disk if a file already exists at that path.
- # Ideally, we could just fail but its very common to delete wake.db
- # without cleaning all the outputs. This causes problems since the link
- # would already exist on disk
- "-f",
- path,
- link,
- )
- Nil
- | setPlanLabel "rsc: symlink {link} to {path}"
- | setPlanPersistence Once
- | runJobWith localRunner
- | setJobInspectVisibilityHidden
- | isJobOk
- else failWithError "rsc: Failed to link {link} to {path}"
- Pass Unit
- def outputFilesDownload =
- outputFiles
- | map doDownload
- # Symlinks don't need to wait for files, the symlinks will just momentarily be invalid if created first
- def outputSymlinksDownload =
- outputSymlinks
- | map doMakeSymlink
- def resolvedOutputs =
- outputFiles
- | map getCacheSearchOutputFilePath
- def resolvedSymlinks =
- outputSymlinks
- | map getCacheSearchOutputSymlinkLink
- def resolvedDirectories =
- outputDirs
- | map getCacheSearchOutputDirectoryPath
- def outputs = resolvedOutputs ++ resolvedDirectories ++ resolvedSymlinks
- def predict = Usage status runtime cputime mem ibytes obytes
- require Pass stdout =
- stdoutDownload
- | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download stdout for '{label}'"
- require Pass stderr =
- stderrDownload
- | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download stderr for '{label}'"
- def _ = virtual job stdout stderr status runtime cputime mem ibytes obytes
- def inputs = map getPathName (input.getRunnerInputVisible)
- # We don't actually care about the result here but we need to ensure that all
- # downloads have completed before returning.
- require Pass _ =
- outputFilesDownload
- | findFail
- | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to download a blob"
- require Pass _ =
- outputSymlinksDownload
- | findFail
- | addErrorContext "rsc: Failed to create a symlink"
- Pass (RunnerOutput inputs outputs predict)
+ match (rehydrateJob response label input job)
+ Pass x -> Pass x
+ # If the job hydration fails for any reason just run the job as normal.
+ # There is no point in attempting to push since the server just said its cached
+ Fail _ -> baseDoIt job (Pass input)
def _ =
require True = shouldDebugRemoteCache Unit