This generates a 3D model of a labyrinth cube.
It consists of multiple floors that are stacked to form the complete labyrinth.
Multiple Parameters can be adusted:
- Cell Size
- Number of Cells n: n*n*n cube
- Wall and Floor Thickness
- Casing Thickness and Tolerance
Example 4x4x4 and 9x9x9 labyrinths with the solution path visualized:
Floorplan for the 4x4 Labyrinth.
Automatically generated using python3 -m main config03 ./output03 --map
Can be printed to facilitate solving labyrinth.
- python: solidpython, numpy, json
- openscad for STL file generation
Print help:
python3 -m main -h
Generate .stl files:
python3 -m main config01 ./output01 --stl
Generate .scad files for labyrinth inspection (view using openscad):
Path from corner to corner:
python3 -m main config01 ./output01 --vp
Fit in casing:
python3 -m main config01 ./output01 --vc