Deep learning model for recognising pets, especially:
CATS DOGS WEIRDOS (Resembles both as a cat or a dog) :)
Step-1:Initially I imported the following libraries:
2.ImageDataGenerator from Keras
Then the data to be utilized was pre-processed in data preprocessing step
Step-2:Preprocessing the test set and training set respectively by creating respective objects and instance from imagedatagenerator.
Step-3:After performing the above steps it's time to build our CNN model.
This itself inovolves diving deepinto mathematics by breaking down inti following steps:
3.Adding a second convolutional layer
5.Full connection
6.Output layer
Step-4:After specifying the test set and training set, building of CNN model was done as per the below mentioned steps:
Step-5:Now, prediction was done by giving a weird image of cat were the model satisfactorily gave accepted result
Test image
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Jupyter Notebook
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- Website - Shubhangini