Midterm Project for the AI & Cybersecurity Course - University of New Haven
The purpose of this project is to deploying machine learning models for malware classification. This project comprises of three tasks. The initial task is to train a deep neural network to classify PE files as malware or benign using Ember opensource dataset, EMBER-2017 v2. EMBER stands for Endgame Malware Benchmark for Research which is a large dataset composed of labeled and unlabeled samples of parsed features of PE header files from binaries. More details about the dataset is available at https://github.com/endgameinc/ember.
The second task deals with deploying the model to cloud and creating an endpoint (~API) to the model. As a final task, create a client nothing but a python script that loads a PE file and classify it as malicious or benign. For execution of the created client, 'Anaconda3-2020.02-Windows-x86_64.exe' is used as the sample. One can use any PE file, no restrictions.
The detailed instructions to work on this project are in the Project Instructions file.
In this task, initially, data is extracted, vectorized and preprocessed. Then a deep neural network architecture is designed in Keras. The model is trained, validated and tested on the extracted data. Hyperparameters are tweaked to obtain better model perofrmance. The model and its weights are saved.Lastly a method is created that takes PE file and gives the nature of it i.e., Benign or Malicious.
Task 2: Model Deployment to Cloud:
The cloud service used in this task is AWS Sagemaker. The saved model is uploaded and the model is loaded to deploy it to Sagemaker. This created a endpoint.
This task comprises of creating a python code that takes PE file, converts it into a feature vector compatible with the model, runs the vector on the cloud API, and then prints the results (i.e., Malware or Benign – or probabilities of each).
The project report has the detailed description about the working and execution of the project along with the explanation of the code.
Project Presentation:
The presentation video of this project is available @ https://youtu.be/q3hiT-hyi1I