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Tableau Project to Get the Insights of the Sales



To unlock sales insights that are not Visible before the sales team for Decision support and automate them to reduced manual time spent in data gathering


  • Sales Director
  • Marketing Team
  • Customer Service Team
  • Data and Analytics Team
  • IT

3.End Result

An automated dashboard providing quick and latest sales insights in order to support data driven decision making.

4.Success Criteria

  • Dashboard(s) uncovering Sales order insights with latest data available
  • Sales team able to take better decisions and prove 10% cost savings of total spend
  • Sales Analyst stop Data Gathering Manually in order to Save 20% of their bussiness time and reinvest it value added activity

Data Insights Drawn using SQL-

1.Total Number of Customers ->38

2.Total Number of Transactions For chennai Market->1050

3.Number of Transactions in USD Currency->2

4.Transactions in year 2020 by using Joins

5.Total Revenue in 2020-142 Billion

6.Total revenue in chennai

## Simple Insights
  1. Revenue Breakdown by cities
  2. Revenue Breakdown by years and months
  3. Top customers by Revenue and Sales Quantity

Steps Followed

1.Load the Data in the SQL

2.Using SQL Queries get some Insights about the Data

3.Connect the SQL data to Tableau Desktop

4.Create Your Own Data Model Using Tableau Public(Star Schema)

5.Extract Transform Load - Performing Data Cleaning in Tableau

i. Removed Negative and Zero Sales Amount

ii. Removed the Market Code which were Located out of India

iii.Converted USD currency Transactions into INR

6.Creating Different Visual Tableau Sheets

7.Creating Dashboard


Tableau Project to Get the Insights of the Sales






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