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check KING OF TIME attendance of yourself on the day for remote workers


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Attendance checker for KING OF TIME

npm version

Inside headless browser, automatically sing in to KING OF TIME, and retrieve your attendance time(opening time and closing time).

If the attendance time is not registered, and the time is elapsed your normal opening time or closing time,

this program will notify your Slack by Slack Web Hook URL.

This is often useful when you are remote worker.

Installation and Usage

via GitHub

  1. fork this repository.

  2. set these environment variables on GitHub secrets. KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID secret and KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD secret and SLACK_INCOMING_WEB_HOOK_URL secret are masked, so don't worry about these secrets.


    • your KING OF TIME login ID. (sorry for not support KING OF TIME API yet...)
    • e.g.
      • GitHub secrets name: KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID
      • value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    • your KING OF TIME login password.
    • e.g.
      • GitHub secrets name: KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD
      • value: yyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    • your opening hour(working start hour) (on JST)
    • e.g.
      • GitHub secrets name: OPENING_HOUR
      • value: 9

    • your closing hour(working end hour) (on JST)
    • e.g.
      • GitHub secrets name: CLOSING_HOUR
      • value: 18

  1. Enable GitHub Action on your forked repository. to do this, visit Actions tab.

  2. Change job schedule on .github/workflows/main.yml. if you needed. Default schedule is '0 2,13 * * 1-5' (Mon-to-Fri, JST 11:00 and 22:00)

  3. Just wait for running attendance-time-check action!

via Docker

  1. clone or fork this repository, and build your own docker image. like this, docker build -t attendance-checker-for-king-of-time:latest .

  2. When you run the docker image, you need to prepare these environment variables.


    • your KING OF TIME login ID. (now, does not support KING OF TIME API yet...)
    • e.g. KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    • your KING OF TIME login password.
    • e.g. KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    • your opening hour(working start hour) (on JST)
    • e.g. OPENING_HOUR=9

    • your closing hour(working end hour) (on JST)
    • e.g. CLOSING_HOUR=18

  1. Just run the docker image.

e.g. docker run --rm --env KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --env KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy --env OPENING_HOUR=9 --env CLOSING_HOUR=18 --env SLACK_INCOMING_WEB_HOOK_URL= attendance-checker-for-king-of-time:latest

via npm/yarn

install this package by npm or yarn.

and, install ChromeDriver which should be located in PATH.

I recommend you to use this program by Docker or GitHub Actions(just fork.), because Chrome version and ChromeDriver version must be equal.

like docker, run like this.

KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy OPENING_HOUR=9 CLOSING_HOUR=18 SLACK_INCOMING_WEB_HOOK_URL= node ./node_modules/attendance-checker-for-king-of-time/dist/index.js

(or just require. require("attendance-checker-for-king-of-time");)


After checking out the repo, run yarn install to install dependencies. Then, run yarn lint to run the lint.

I recommend you to develop inside docker image. just like this, docker run -it --rm -v ~/src/attendance-checker-for-king-of-time/:/app/ --env KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --env KING_OF_TIME_LOGIN_PASSWORD=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy --env OPENING_HOUR=9 --env CLOSING_HOUR=18 --env SLACK_INCOMING_WEB_HOOK_URL= attendance-checker-for-king-of-time:latest tail -f /dev/null

after start the container, develop inside the docker container.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the attendance-checker-for-king-of-time project's codebases, issue trackers is expected to follow the code of conduct.


check KING OF TIME attendance of yourself on the day for remote workers




Code of conduct





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