Releases: shotgunsoftware/tk-config-default2
Releases · shotgunsoftware/tk-config-default2
Shotgun Default2 Configuration v1.1.5
What’s new?
We have a new drop-down menu in the login dialog, as well as a number of improved features, such as:
- Polish and bug fixes for Publisher,
- Ability to put all configuration dependencies inside a sub-folder named bundle_cache, and
- Platform improvements around bootstrapping.
- The login dialog now remembers the list of the 8 most recent sites and users you have used, and displays them. You can also start typing the name of a site or user to filter down the list’s content. [44951]
- The Publish app has a new app setting, enable_manual_load, which defaults to True. When set to False, it no longer shows the ’splash’ screen which lets you load/drag and drop files or browse to them and turns off the drop zone in the left hand side tree view so that items cannot be dropped in there. [46405]
- The tk-multi-demo app now has a context selector widget demo. [46265]
- When using a descriptor-based pipeline configuration, it is now possible to put all its dependencies inside a sub-folder named bundle_cache. It means that you can now store an entire pipeline configuration (hooks, environment and bundles) inside Shotgun so it can be deployed anywhere. [45902]
- When using a descriptor-based pipeline configuration, the contents of the configuration (e.g., tk-config-basic) are no longer copied inside the pipeline configuration, providing a small speed boost and reducing the risk of locked files when updating the pipeline configuration. Those folders will be read directly from where they are stored on disk, i.e., the bundle cache for a shotgun, git, or app_store descriptor, or at the location where path and dev descriptors point to. [40825]
- The path to the log file is now exposed via a log_file property on core Logger objects. [42283]
- Publish with a bad template now has better error handling. [46125]
- The Shotgun utils framework now performs a cached data clean up when it is loaded, only for the sg, sg_nav and thumbs cached folders. Files which have not been modified or accessed in the last 60 days are removed to prevent the cache to grow indefinitely. [39289]
- In some circumstances, only the new records added in Shotgun since the previous launch of an app using a ShotgunModel would be added to the model and appear in tree views. This fix ensures that all records always appear in tree views. [45562]
- There were styling issues with Houdini 16+ versions, where some of our style changes bleed into Houdini’s dialogs. This fix ensures our style changes are not bleed into Houdini’s dialogs. [46152]
- The Quick Review app was not working if the playlist status field was missing. This fix ensures that the Quick Review app is no longer looking for the playlist status field. [46459]
- There was an issue which prevented you from configuring the loader in a way so that you would be browsing Versions in the left hand side tree and see the publishes associated with that version. This fix ensures you see the publishes associated with that version. [46438]
- With the Shotgun Standard Integration workflow, the frame range was not set correctly after doing a create read node from Shotgun Panel. This fix ensures that the frame range is always set correctly. [46249]
- With the Photoshop CC standard integration, publishing versioned files always converted publishes to .psd file format. This fix ensures tk-multi-publish2 no longer forces the use of the .psd extension. [42803]
- Sometimes an error was showing up if the .version file was missing. This fix ensures the Photoshop CC extension is now more fault tolerant to a missing .version file. [43699]
- When roaming user profiles were used on a Windows network, using the CEP api to get the path to the extension’s root folder returned the path with any $ characters encoded as %24. This fix ensures that the extension initializes properly. [46396]
- It was not possible to load files having utf-8 encoded names. This fix ensures Loader2 app handles files have utf-8 encoded names correctly. [45167]
- There was a Shotgun Desktop Windows-only issue, where errors raised during bootstrap were not reported to the user. This fix ensures errors are reported successfully. [45989]
- Shotgun picked storages not used by Toolkit when there were multiple storages overlaps in Shotgun. This fix allows Toolkit to specify the storage into which a file needs to be stored. [30005]
- Projects with configurations that used a descriptor without
defined sometimes led to bootstrap failure. This fix ensures that no failure happen when a pipeline configuration in Shotgun does not have a tank_name defined. [46590] - Sometimes after a core swap, Shotgun connection objects were created with an older Core API. This fix ensures that the ShotgunUser instantiated with a previous version of the API is re-instantiated with a newer version of the API. [44546]
Shotgun Default2 Configuration v1.1.4
What’s new?
We have a new quickreview app for Nuke, as well as a number of improved features, such as:
- Polish and bug fixes for publisher,
- Added support for single sign-on (SSO) beta,
- Motionbuilder thumbnail support,
- Platform improvements around bootstrapping and git, and
- New formalized hook interfaces.
- New Quickreview app for Nuke that works with or without an advanced project setup, that makes it easy to submit Nuke renders for review in Shotgun. [44499]
- Added support for SSO beta. Adds the necessary authentication logic for Toolkit to be able to interact with Shotgun SSO-enabled sites. [41731]
- It is now possible to set a thumbnail in the summary of the Publisher items tree that gets inherited by all plugins that accept a thumbnail. [43897]
- Improved UX around image sequence publishing by adding an additional browse button on the drag/drop screen. [44042]
- Entire publish item is now draggable in the publisher items tree. [45977]
- Added validate_on_publish setting to Publisher which allows disabling of validation when Publish is clicked. [46000]
- Allowed renders published in Flame to be loaded inside of Nuke via the standard Shotgun integrations. [46126]
- Moved Flame family icons launcher from Finishing Tools to Creative Tools group in Shotgun Desktop. [46219]
- The Toolkit project setup wizard and project setup command now recognizes the [config]/core/core_api.yml file. If such a file is present, the project setup wizard will automatically localize the new project and pull in whatever core version is defined in the file. [35379]
- Setup wizard supports zip downloaded directly from Github. It is now possible to download a zipped up tag or branch from Github's webui and use that in the desktop setup wizard. [36070]
- Improved Git related error messages. [37578, 40633]
- Clearer error messages in startup and bootstrap. We have cleaned up several places where technical, unhelpful, or misleading error messages where being displayed when Toolkit was starting up. [41067]
- Collector/Plugin interfaces in Publisher now defined in the app itself, allowing for default implementation and doc generation. Read more in our developer documentation. [45933]
- Added support for base class restriction for hook interfaces. This change adds a new, optional base_class argument to the various hook methods in core. [45998]
- Flexible primary root name allows use of any arbitrary name for the primary storage in single root configurations. [44391]
- Introduced a new context selection widget, first introduced in tk-multi-publish2 and now moved in tk-framework-qtwidgets. [46026]
- Thumbnails were not showing up inside MotionBuilder. This fix ensures they are showing up correctly. [46148]
- Nuke promoted write knobs were reverting to their preset’s default value. This fix ensures new values are kept. [43561]
- There was a slowdown issue in Photoshop CC when using the long/deep folder path. This fix ensures no more slowdown happens with the long/deep folder path. [43589]
- There was an RPC error when opening Workfiles2 app in Photoshop CC. This fix ensures no more RPC error appears. [41520]
- Maya playblast and render images collection paths were hard coded directory names. This fix ensures they will write to the right folders configured for the project. [45980]
- Previously, it was not possible to bootstrap into our default configs if a configuration had been launched via the bootstrap API rather than via a traditional 'project setup' route. This fix ensures that all types of configuration arrangements are supported by bootstrap and descriptor based pipeline configurations. [44543]
- There were some errors with tank commands, like cache_apps, when running against a Git repo on a project config having UNC path. This fix provides Git support for UNC paths on Windows. [39910]
- A regression was introduced in tk-core v0.18, causing the .git folder not to be copied in certain situations (clone config, push config, etc). This fix ensures the .git folder is copied during those maintenance operations. [44576]
Shotgun Default2 Configuration v1.1.3
What’s new?
Better support for running configurations from zip files uploaded directly to Shotgun. We fixed a file locking scenarios that could cause an update to fail, improved support for sharing of cache data, and made improvements and bug fixes for Publish2 and different engines and apps.
- Added expand/collapse indicators to publish items inside Publish2 app. [42707]
- Added an option to the publish2 summary overlay that allows going back to the publish page after a publish has been performed. [43161]
- Added display_name and display_action_name settings to the Publish2 app, allowing a TD to configure how it appears on the Shotgun menu. [45881]
- Configuration option descriptions have been updated in the Advanced Project Setup Wizard. [45869]
- Added support for new Shotgun fields PipelineConfiguration.uploaded_config and PipelineConfiguraton.sg_uploaded_config, which configurations can be zipped and uploaded directly to. [41416]
- Thumbnails and Shotgun queries are now cached at the site level, instead of being cached per project, pipeline configuration, and plugin ID. [43294]
- Added tk-multi-publish2 and tk-multi-loader2 hooks inside tk-flame. [44071]
- Added Shotgun Site URL on the project context item in the work area information. [45715]
- When in a project with a classic config, if you selected the reload and restart option from the project context menu in the top right, then it would duplicate all the options in the menu. This fix ensures no more duplication happens. [43269]
- Deleting items prevented them from being dropped again in Publish2 app. This fix ensures you can add them back again. [43561]
- When a user had no work or published files in their sandbox, and chose to open a work file from another users sandbox, it threw an error. This fix ensures no more errors are thrown and that the file opens correctly. [45463]
- On Windows there were some file locking scenarios that could cause an update to fail.
This fix provides improvements and cleanup of bootstrap resolver logic to avoid an update to fail. [45876] - With SW entities, the engine name was no longer configured and was not guaranteed to be available to the launch hooks. We now supply the engine name to the hooks. [45898]
- The version number was missing in the version name after doing a publish from Photoshop CC via the Publish2 app. This fix ensures the version number gets added to version name. [45999]