Before opening an issue, try the following:
See if your issue can be resolved by information in the documentation.
Take a look at the issues to see if a similar one has already been created. If one exists, please add any additional information that might expedite resolution.
If the documentation wasn't able to help resolve the issue and no issue already exists, please open a new issue with the following in mind:
- Please make sure only to include one issue per report. If you encounter multiple, unrelated issues, please report them as such.
- Be detailed. Provide backtraces and example code when possible. Provide information about your environment. e.g., Ruby version, rails version, etc.
- Own your issue. Actively participate in the discussion and help drive the issue to closure.
- If you resolve your own issue, please share the details on the issue and close it out. Others might have the same issue and sharing solutions is helpful.
Contributing can be done in many ways and is not exclusive to code. If you have thoughts on a particular issue or feature, we encourage you to open new issues for discussion or add your comments to existing ones.
We also gladly welcome pull requests. When preparing to work on pull request, please adhere to these standards:
- Base work on the master branch unless fixing an issue with 0.9-stable or 0.8-stable
- Squash your commits and regularly rebase off master.
- Provide a description of the changes contained in the pull request.
- Note any specific areas that should be reviewed.
- Include tests.
- The test suite must pass on supported Ruby versions
- Include updates to the documentation where applicable.
- Update the CHANGELOG to the appropriate sections with a brief description of the changes.
- Do not change the VERSION file.
Run all tests
$ rake test
Run a single test suite
$ rake test TEST=path/to/test.rb
Run a single test
$ rake test TEST=path/to/test.rb TESTOPTS="--name=test_something"
Run tests against different Rails versions by setting the RAILS_VERSION variable and bundling gems.
for version in 4.0 4.1 4.2 master; do
export RAILS_VERSION="$version"
rm -f Gemfile.lock
bundle check || bundle --local || bundle
bundle exec rake test
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
# green in ANSI
echo -e "\033[32m **** Tests passed against Rails ${RAILS_VERSION} **** \033[0m"
# red in ANSI
echo -e "\033[31m **** Tests failed against Rails ${RAILS_VERSION} **** \033[0m"