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File metadata and controls

98 lines (63 loc) · 2.65 KB


Directory: lib/skc_codegen

CodeGen generates LLVM IR from Shiika HIR.

Files is the entry point of CodeGen. contians the functions of CodeGen which handles Shiika expressions.


Shiika uses inkwell to generate LLVM IR.


For each class, a LLVM type is defined.

%Array = type { i8*, %Int*, %Int*, %"Shiika::Internal::Ptr"* }

Two %Int* corresponds to @capa and @n_items. The last %"Shiika::Internal::Ptr"* corresponds to @items.

The first i8* points to the vtable of the object. In the case of Array, it points to the LLVM constant @vtable_Array.


In the case of Array, the three instance variables are all Shiika object. However some of the core classes contains LLVM value instead of a Shiika value. Here is the list:

%Int = type { i8*, i64 }
%Float = type { i8*, double }
%Bool = type { i8*, i1 }
%"Shiika::Internal::Ptr" = type { i8*, i8* }



%"Meta:Float" = type { i8*, %String* }
%"Meta:Int" = type { i8*, %String* }


For each constant, a LLVM constant is defined. Constants are initialized with null at first and initialized by @init_constants().

@"::Array::INITIAL_CAPA" = internal global %Int* null

Note that there are constants that holds a class object. For example the constant ::String is defined as below.

@"::String" = internal global %"Meta:String"* null


For each method, a LLVM function is defined. For example:

define %Int* @"String#bytesize"(%String* %self) {
  %addr_bytesize = getelementptr inbounds %String, %String* %self, i32 0, i32 2
  %bytesize = load %Int*, %Int** %addr_bytesize
  ret %Int* %bytesize

The first argument is the receiver object (in the above case, a String.) Method arguments follow it if any.


Instances of Fn1, Fn2, ... are called "lambda" in Shiika. There are two ways to create lambda.

  1. Lambda expression fn(x){ ... }
  2. Passing block to a method ary.each{ ... }

In both cases, a llvm function is defined for it. For example:

define %Object @lambda_1(%Fn1* %fn_x, %Object* %arg1, %Object* %arg2) {

Note that all arguments and return value are handled as %Object*, regardless of their original type. This is because all lambdas that accepts one argument are invoked by Fn1#call.


Fn1, Fn2, ... are the classes for lambdas. It has three instance variables:

  • @func is a pointer to @lambda_xx.
  • @the_self is the object pointed by self in the lambda.
  • @captures is an array of outer variables the lambda captures.