A generator for ready-to-implement react-native project. After initiate a new project all required depedencies will also download and automatically config.
- React Native
- Redux
- Yeoman
NodeJs : I suggest you install this via Node Version Manager NVM
This project depends on Node versions greater than v4, use nvm to install and setup open up the command line and run
$ nvm install 4.x.x
Next simply switch to node v4:
$ nvm use 4.x.x
This will change your current terminal session to use 4.0.0. If you want to use it permanently run:
$ nvm alias default 4.x.x
NPM - NPM may or may not have been installed with Node. Try:
$ npm
If you get a "not found" error, run this:
$ curl -L https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
React Native Command Line Tools - This is a crucial Node.js module that make seed-react-native working,
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
If you have some error related to permission, please run
sudo npm install -g react-native-cli
To create a new seed-react-project, CD into your target folder and run init command
$ seed-react-native init <Project Name>
seed-react-native will first initiate a new react native project based on your given name and then scafold your project. This process may take a bit of time.
After all done, the project folder will be created based on the given project name.
To start an application, CD into the project folder and run
$ react-native run-ios
for iOS application
$ react-native run-android
for Android application
Below is the applcation structure:
- local-cli/ ---| <!-- Contains files for building project structure -->
- generator/ <!-- Contains all project template file -->
- cli.js <!-- Main code for scafolding a new project by useing [Yeoman](http://yeoman.io/) -->
- index.js <!-- Main Node.js script for recieving command from CLI -->
- package.json
- processes.json