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Dotfiles for Linux and macOS, designed for quick installation on a new system using "chezmoi". Includes configurations for Zsh, Git, Neovim, and Tmux, along with a variety of useful packages.

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Shawn's dotfiles

This is my dotfiles repository, which is managed by chezmoi.

Support OS

  • MacOS
  • Debian-based Linux distributions
  • Arch-based Linux distributions
  • Other Linux distributions (not fully tested yet)


  1. Git Configurations, file: ~/.gitconfig
  2. Neovim as the default editor and Configurations, folder: ~/.config/nvim
  3. Tmux as the default terminal multiplexer and Configurations, file: ~/.tmux.conf
  4. Zsh as the default shell and Configurations, file: ~/.zshrc, ~/.p10k.zsh, folder: ~/.zsh
  5. Install Useful Packages, package list can be found in .chezmoidata/packages.toml


Need to have Administrator privileges to Install Useful Packages. You can set installUsefulPackages to false in the config file to disable this feature.


You can disable the feature you don't want in the config file by using chezmoi edit-config command.


  1. Git

  2. chezmoi. You can install it by running the following command:

    # MacOS
    brew install chezmoi
    # Base on Arch Linux
    sudo pacman -S chezmoi
    # Using asdf
    asdf plugin add chezmoi && asdf install chezmoi latest && asdf global chezmoi latest
    # Or Install binary and put it in your PATH like `$HOME/.local/bin`
    mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin; sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin

Get More information about how to install chezmoi from here

How To Use

Quick Installations:

chezmoi init --apply shdennlin

Or you can install it manually and apply the configurations by following the steps below:

chezmoi init shdennlin
chezmoi edit-config # Edit the config file, set the value you want
chezmoi apply --dry-run # Check the changes, you can skip this step if you want
chezmoi apply

Apply the configurations if you have already installed the configurations or got failed during the installation:

chezmoi apply


Update to my latest configurations

chezmoi update

Configuration file

The config file is located at ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml by default, you can edit it by using chezmoi edit-config command quickly.

My Configurations can be found in the .chezmoi.toml.tmpl, the following is the default value and explanation:

  # Set "true" if you want to apply the configuration
  applyGit    = true
  applyNeovim = true
  applyTmux   = true
  applyZsh    = true
  # If you want to install useful packages, set "true"
  # package list is in {{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}, you can use `chezmoi cd` to go to the source directory of chezmoi quickly
  # and find the list in `.chezmoidata/packages.toml`
  installUsefulPackages = true
  # If you want only install minimal packages on server (ex: production server/remote server),
  # you can set miniPackage to "true"
  miniPackages = false

# If you select to apply Git configuration, fill in the following fields
  name = ""
  username = ""
  email = ""
  # If you want to use gpg sign, set gpgsign to "true" and set signingkey
  gpgsign = "false"
  signingkey = ""

The font of the terminal is not correct

If you are using macOS, it will install automatically if you set installUsefulPackages to true in the config file. After that, you need to set the font to Hack Nerd Font in the terminal.

If you are using Linux, you need to install the font manually then set the font to Hack Nerd Font in the terminal.

You can download the font from here. And get more information about the font here

ASDF can't work

The ASDF will be installed automatically if you set installUsefulPackages to true in the config file. But currently, it only supports the x86_64 architecture on Linux. If you are using other architectures, you need to install ASDF manually to the folder ~/.local/bin.

To install ASDF manually, you can find the binary from here

Find more information about ASDF from here


Dotfiles for Linux and macOS, designed for quick installation on a new system using "chezmoi". Includes configurations for Zsh, Git, Neovim, and Tmux, along with a variety of useful packages.




