- Open a new issue for any Linux support and I will try to add it.
otpgen.sh, otpgen: 2 Factor Authettication for Linux
This tool allows you to generate 2 step verification codes in Linux command line
* Generate verification code offline
* Support for both HOTP and TOTP based tokens
* Automatic setup via QR Code
* Add multiple accounts/keys, list and genetate keys
* Supports : Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL (more to be added including CentOS, Manjaro, Mint)
Syntax: ./otpgen.sh [-V|--version][-i|--install][--clean-install][-a|--add-key <path to image>] [-l|--list-key][-g|--gen-key]
-V, --version Print version
-i, --install Install otpgen.sh in system
--clean-install Clean any local data and re-install
-a, --add-key FILE Add a new 2FA from image containing QR Code
-l, --list-key List all available 2FA stored in the system
-g, --gen-key [ID] Generate one time password
Passing ID is optional, else it will ask for ID
for which you want to generate OTP.
-d, --debug [debug level]
Determines debug level, Prints messages which
is greater than or equal to debug level
4: Debug
3: Info
2: Warning (Default)
1: Error
0: Silent
-s, --silent Same as "--debug 0"
You can read more details in my Blog link
- Can be used to remove duplicate rpms if package-cleanup is failing
Syntax: bash fix_dup_rpm.sh [-v][-d]
-d/--dry-run: Dry Run, do not make any changes, checks for duplicates,
lists rpms need which will be removed.
-v/--verbose: Prints verbose log
Save this script in /usr/bin or /bin, set execute permission and create keyboard shortut
In GNOME goto keyboard settings -> Custom Shortcuts -> Click on "+" to add a new one
It will popup a window where set
Name : Volume Low Command : /bin/vol-control.sh decrease
Click on add -> Next you need to add key shortcut, click on where it is written as disabled, input the key combo you want
Similary you can set : Name : Volume Up Command : /bin/vol-control.sh increase
Name : Volume Mute Command : /bin/vol-control.sh mute
- Save this script in /usr/bin or /bin, set execute permission and create keyboard shortut Add below lines in /etc/profile :
####### Notification at login #############
IP="$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1)"
/usr/bin/notifyatlogin $IP
The default behavior is it logs into system logs using logger and /var/log/login_history.
Additionally in case of a remote ssh login, where the $IP will be passed from /etc/profile, it will send a GUI notification using notify-send.
In case that does not work for you enable a wall message which should always work (Just remove the comment)
You can even enable notification for local login.
The script is easy to read so you should be able to modify it without any issue.
What does it do ?
Let's face it windows 10 does have some cool features when its comes to user interface, like everytime you get awesome wallpaper whenever you boot up the system.
With this script you can use online API like unsplash to set awesome wallpapers based on your choice.
You can use other APIs as well to retrieve pics with little tweaking...
Feel free to add features.
Should ideally work in linux distros with GNOME 3 + systemd. but might need tweaking in other distros only tested in Fedora 25, 26
How to install and run ?
# Fedora_wallpaper_changer.sh -s
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl fedora-wallpaper.service
- How to enable this on boot ?
# systemctl enable fedora-wallpaper.service
- Config file :