Some programmable LED signs have proprietary protocols, relegating these otherwise fine and useful pieces of hardware to the scrapheap. This project aims to replace the hardware and software in these signs, giving them new life.
Go troll eBay, buy a "broken" LED sign, and join the party!
hardware/readerboard_avr8: Atmel AVR8-based replacement for Data Display Corporation controller board.
firmware/readerboard_avr8: Atmel AVR8-based firmware for USB control of the hardware/readerboard_avr8 board.
software/ Example host software for controlling the readerboard_avr8 hardware. This was the code that ran at the Church of Robotron at ToorCamp 2012.
The AVR8-related board, firmware, and software have all been tested and work well.
- [EAGLE 5.11 Freeware, Light, Hobbyist, Standard, or Professional] (
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Each sub-project specifies its own license.
ShareBrained Technology, Inc.