An Integrated Genomics Workflow Tool: Simulating Reads, Evaluating Read Alignments, and Optimizing Variant Calling Algorithms
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a pivotal technique in genome sequencing due to its high throughput, rapid results, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced accuracy. Its significance extends across various domains, which is crucial in identifying genetic variations and exploring genomic complexity. NGS finds applications in diverse fields such as clinical genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics, and metagenomics, contributing substantially to advancements in research, medicine, and scientific disciplines. Within the sphere of genomics data science, the execution of read simulation, mapping, and variant calling holds paramount importance for obtaining precise and dependable results. Given the plethora of tools available for these purposes, each employing distinct methodologies and options, a nuanced understanding of their intricacies becomes imperative for optimization. This research, situated at the intersection of data science and genomics, involves a meticulous assessment of various tools, elucidating their strengths and weaknesses through rigorous experimentation and analysis. This comprehensive evaluation has enabled the researchers to pinpoint the most accurate tools, reinforcing the alignment between the established workflow and the demonstrated efficacy of specific tools in genomics data analysis. To meet these requirements, “VarFind”, an open-source and freely accessible pipeline tool designed to automate the entire process, has been introduced.
Make sure the dependencies are satisfied. Then, copy the files in the released script set.
OS: Any Unix version which satisfies the below dependencies. Tested with Enterprise Linux 7 and Rocky 9 Enterprise Linux v9 Compatible. For installing tools in Rocky Linux 9 refer to this guide
- htslib, tabix, bgzip (Tested with htslib 1.17/18)
- SAMtools (Tested with Version: 1.17/18 (using htslib 1.17/18))
- BCFtools (Tested with Version: 1.17/18 (using htslib 1.17/18))
- wgsim (Tested with Version: 1.17/18)
- ngsngs (Tested with current master branch 2023-Oct-18)
- bwa (Tested with version 0.7.17-r1198-dirty)
- bowtie2 (Tested with version 2.5.1)
- freebayes (Tested with version 1.3.7, master branch)
- vg (Tested with version v1.51.0 "Quellenhof")
- singularity (Tested version 3.8.5-2.el7 / ce-4.0.1-1.el9)
- GATK (Tested version singularity image gatk_4.4.0.0.sif)
- DeepVariant (Tested with singularity image deepvariant_1.5.0.sif)
The workflow diagram with tools used and files generated in each step is shown in the below diagram.
Here, we use reference Genome assembly GRCh38.p14. Download it and get the file GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_genomic.fna
Filtering the chromosome 20 can be done using the following command.
./ -f GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_genomic.fna -n NC_000020.11 -r 20
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa sequence file
-n | --name STR Chromosome name to be filtered.
-r | --rename STR rename the chromosome in output sequence file (optional)
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This will produce the files NC_000020.11.fa
and NC_000020.11.fa.fai
Next, we'll prepare a sequence file and a ground truth VCF file for a random sample (HG00096) of the GRCh38 VCF file. Download that file and use the below command. We'll restrict the example for the region 30000000-32000000
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG00096
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa reference sequence file
-v | --vcf STR ground truth VCF file
-s | --sample STR Sample name to be considered from the VCF file
-r | --region STR chromosome name and region in chr:from-to format (Optional)
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This will produce the sequence file HG00096.fa
, index HG00096.fa.fai
, and the ground truth VCF file HG00096.vcf.gz
If we need to consider the graph-based method as well, we have to prepare a reference graph using the below command. Here, we use five or more random samples other than the selected sample for the analysis.
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG00097,HG00099,HG00100,HG00101,HG00102
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa reference sequence file
-v | --vcf STR the main VCF file
-s | --sample STR Sample names (at least 4 other than seleted sample for the simulation) to be considered from the VCF file
-r | --region STR chromosome name and region in chr:from-to format (Optional)
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This will produce vg.vcf.gz
, its index file vg.vcf.gz.tbi
and the graph file vgindex.giraffe.gbz
with its other supporting files vgindex.dist
and vgindex.min
First, we'll simulate the reading using the command
with a read length of 100 and a coverage of 60.
./ -f HG00096.fa -s n -l 100 -d 60
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa sequence file to read from
-l | --length INT read length (Default 100)
-d | --depth INT read coverage depth (Default 30)
-s | --sim STR read simulator. 'n' for NGSNGS and 'w' for wgsim (Default 'n')
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This will produce paired read files named HG00096_reads_R1.fq.gz
and HG00096_reads_R2.fq.gz
The next step is to map the reads to the reference sequence using the command
./ -f NC_000020.11.fa -1 HG00096_reads_R1.fq.gz -2 HG00096_reads_R2.fq.gz -t 48 -m m
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa reference sequence file to map (If the mapper is not 'vg giraffe')
-g | --gbz STR reference graph .gbz file (e.g. generated by if the mapper is 'vg giraffe'
-m | --mapper STR mapper/Aligner to use. 'm' for 'bwa mem', 's' for 'bwa sampe', 'b' for 'bowtie2' and 'g' for 'vg giraffe'. (Default 'm')
-1 | --read1 STR pared read .fastq or .fq file 1
-2 | --read2 STR pared read .fastq or .fq file 2
-t | --threads INT number of threads to use (Default 'nproc')
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This will produce a bam file called HG00096.bam
Now we can do the variant calling using
./ -f NC_000020.11.fa -m HG00096.bam -c b -t 48
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa reference sequence file to map (If the mapper is not 'vg call')
-g | --gbz STR reference graph .gbz file (e.g. generated by if the mapper is 'vg call'
-m | --map STR .bam or .gam (if the caller is 'vg call') sequence alignment/map file
-c | --caller STR variant caller to use. 'b' for 'bcftools', 'f' for 'freebayes', 'g' for 'gatk HaplotypeCaller', 'd' for 'DeepVariant' and 'v' for 'vg call'. (Default 'b')
-i | --image STR Singularity image file if the caller run through singularity (Only for caller option 'g' and 'd')
-t | --threads INT number of threads to use (Default 'nproc')
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This step will create a VCF file called HG00096.varfind.b.vcf.gz
The final step is to compare the 2 VCF files HG00096.varfind.b.vcf.gz
and HG00096.vcf.gz
./ -g HG00096.vcf.gz -v HG00096.varfind.b.vcf.gz -f HG00096.fa
./ -h
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-g | --gtvcf STR ground truth vcf file file
-v | --vfvcf STR varfinder call generated vcf file.
-f | --file STR .fasta or .fa sequence file of the sample
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
This command will produce the below report with all the stats.
Description | Stats |
Ground Truth SNPs | 1,886 |
Ground Truth INDELs | 271 |
Varfind SNPs | 1,996 |
varfind INDELs | 248 |
SNPs Private to varfind vcf | 117 |
INDELs Private to varfind vcf | 208 |
Exact Matched SNPs | 1,879 |
Exact Matched INDELs | 40 |
True Positive (TP) | 1,919 |
False Positive (FP) | 325 |
True Negative (TN) | 1,997,230 |
False Negative (FN) | 238 |
SNP Sensitivity | 99.6288% |
SNP Specificity | 99.9941% |
SNP F1 Score | 96.8057% |
INDEL Sensitivity | 14.7601% |
INDEL Specificity | 99.9895% |
INDEL F1 Score | 15.4142% |
Overall Sensitivity | 88.9661% |
Overall Specificity | 99.9837% |
Overall F1 Score | 87.2074% |
In this scenario, the mapping step and the calling step will be different below.
./ -g vgindex.giraffe.gbz -1 HG00096_reads_R1.fq.gz -2 HG00096_reads_R2.fq.gz -t 48 -m g
This will produce a file called HG00096.fa
, which can be used in the next step to call the variants using
./ -g vgindex.giraffe.gbz -m HG00096.gam -c v -t 48
It is possible to execute the above-discussed workflow using the command
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c b -t 48
#For graph approach
./ -r vgindex.giraffe.gbz -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m g -c v -t 48
Program :
Version : 1.0
Usage: [options]
-r | --ref STR reference .fasta sequence file or reference .gbz graph file
-f | --file STR .fasta file of the sample considered
-v | --vcf STR Ground truth vcf file of the sample considered
-l | --length INT read length (Default 100)
-d | --depth INT read coverage depth (Default 30)
-s | --sim STR read simulator. 'n' for NGSNGS and 'w' for wgsim (Default 'n')
-m | --mapper STR mapper/Aligner to use. 'm' for 'bwa mem', 's' for 'bwa sampe', 'b' for 'bowtie2' and 'g' for 'vg giraffe'. (Default 'm' or 'g' if the --ref is .gbz graph file)
-c | --caller STR variant caller to use. 'b' for 'bcftools', 'f' for 'freebayes', 'g' for 'gatk HaplotypeCaller', 'd' for 'DeepVariant' and 'v' for 'vg call'. (Default 'b' or 'v' if the --ref is .gbz graph file)
-i | --image STR Singularity image file if the caller run through singularity (Only for caller option 'g' and 'd')
-t | --threads INT number of threads to use (Default 'nproc')
-w | --write STR write logs to this file (optional, default 'varfinder.log')
-h | --help Display this help message
For all 26 workflows, we can use the 26 commands.
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r vgindex.giraffe.gbz -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m g -c v -t 48
./ -r vgindex.giraffe.gbz -f HG00096.fa -v HG00096.vcf.gz -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m g -c v -t 48
The final report can be tabularized like below.
Simulator | Mapper | Caller | Run Time | Ground Truth SNPs | Ground Truth INDELs | Identified SNPs | Identified INDELs | Private SNPs | Private INDELs | Matched SNPs | Matched INDELs | TP | FP | TN | FN | SNP Sensitivity | SNP Specificity | SNP F1 Score | INDEL Sensitivity | INDEL Specificity | INDEL F1 Score | Overall Sensitivity | Overall Specificity | Overall F1 Score |
wgsim | bwa mem | bcftools | 72 | 1886 | 271 | 1996 | 248 | 117 | 208 | 1879 | 40 | 1919 | 325 | 1997230 | 238 | 99.6288 | 99.9941 | 96.8057 | 14.7601 | 99.9895 | 15.4142 | 88.9661 | 99.9837 | 87.2074 |
wgsim | bwa mem | freebayes | 91 | 1886 | 271 | 1876 | 239 | 144 | 239 | 1732 | 0 | 1732 | 383 | 1997172 | 425 | 91.8345 | 99.9927 | 92.0786 | 0 | 99.988 | 0 | 80.2967 | 99.9808 | 81.0861 |
wgsim | bwa mem | gatk | 126 | 1886 | 271 | 1885 | 254 | 21 | 21 | 1864 | 233 | 2097 | 42 | 1997513 | 60 | 98.8335 | 99.9989 | 98.8597 | 85.9778 | 99.9989 | 88.7619 | 97.2183 | 99.9978 | 97.6256 |
wgsim | bwa mem | DeepVariant | 112 | 1886 | 271 | 1943 | 259 | 73 | 27 | 1870 | 232 | 2102 | 100 | 1997455 | 55 | 99.1516 | 99.9963 | 97.6756 | 85.6088 | 99.9986 | 87.5471 | 97.4501 | 99.9949 | 96.4441 |
ngsngs | bwa mem | bcftools | 84 | 1886 | 271 | 2072 | 7 | 223 | 4 | 1849 | 3 | 1852 | 227 | 1997328 | 305 | 98.0381 | 99.9888 | 93.431 | 1.107 | 99.9997 | 2.1582 | 85.8599 | 99.9886 | 87.4409 |
ngsngs | bwa mem | freebayes | 107 | 1886 | 271 | 1935 | 238 | 217 | 238 | 1718 | 0 | 1718 | 455 | 1997100 | 439 | 91.0922 | 99.9891 | 89.9241 | 0 | 99.988 | 0 | 79.6476 | 99.9772 | 79.3533 |
ngsngs | bwa mem | gatk | 136 | 1886 | 271 | 1772 | 230 | 12 | 17 | 1760 | 213 | 1973 | 29 | 1997526 | 184 | 93.3191 | 99.9993 | 96.2274 | 78.5977 | 99.9991 | 85.0299 | 91.4696 | 99.9985 | 94.8785 |
ngsngs | bwa mem | DeepVariant | 129 | 1886 | 271 | 2001 | 255 | 139 | 25 | 1862 | 230 | 2092 | 164 | 1997391 | 65 | 98.7274 | 99.993 | 95.8065 | 84.8708 | 99.9987 | 87.4524 | 96.9865 | 99.9917 | 94.8107 |
wgsim | bwa sampe | bcftools | 212 | 1886 | 271 | 2053 | 242 | 173 | 202 | 1880 | 40 | 1920 | 375 | 1997180 | 237 | 99.6818 | 99.9913 | 95.4556 | 14.7601 | 99.9898 | 15.5945 | 89.0125 | 99.9812 | 86.2533 |
wgsim | bwa sampe | freebayes | 224 | 1886 | 271 | 1968 | 232 | 238 | 232 | 1730 | 0 | 1730 | 470 | 1997085 | 427 | 91.7285 | 99.988 | 89.7768 | 0 | 99.9883 | 0 | 80.2039 | 99.9764 | 79.4124 |
wgsim | bwa sampe | gatk | 269 | 1886 | 271 | 1912 | 254 | 47 | 23 | 1865 | 231 | 2096 | 70 | 1997485 | 61 | 98.8865 | 99.9976 | 98.2095 | 85.2398 | 99.9988 | 88 | 97.1719 | 99.9964 | 96.9696 |
wgsim | bwa sampe | DeepVariant | 249 | 1886 | 271 | 2025 | 271 | 155 | 39 | 1870 | 232 | 2102 | 194 | 1997361 | 55 | 99.1516 | 99.9922 | 95.6277 | 85.6088 | 99.998 | 85.6088 | 97.4501 | 99.9902 | 94.4082 |
ngsngs | bwa sampe | bcftools | 213 | 1886 | 271 | 50 | 63 | 35 | 53 | 15 | 10 | 25 | 88 | 1997467 | 2132 | 0.7953 | 99.9982 | 1.5495 | 3.69 | 99.9973 | 5.988 | 1.159 | 99.9955 | 2.2026 |
ngsngs | bwa sampe | freebayes | 240 | 1886 | 271 | 2070 | 189 | 350 | 189 | 1720 | 0 | 1720 | 539 | 1997016 | 437 | 91.1983 | 99.9824 | 86.9565 | 0 | 99.9905 | 0 | 79.7403 | 99.973 | 77.8985 |
ngsngs | bwa sampe | gatk | 276 | 1886 | 271 | 1969 | 210 | 158 | 17 | 1811 | 193 | 2004 | 175 | 1997380 | 153 | 96.0233 | 99.992 | 93.9559 | 71.2177 | 99.9991 | 80.2494 | 92.9068 | 99.9912 | 92.4354 |
ngsngs | bwa sampe | DeepVariant | 271 | 1886 | 271 | 2179 | 231 | 322 | 30 | 1857 | 201 | 2058 | 352 | 1997203 | 99 | 98.4623 | 99.9838 | 91.3653 | 74.1697 | 99.9984 | 80.0796 | 95.4102 | 99.9823 | 90.1248 |
wgsim | bowtie2 | bcftools | 167 | 1886 | 271 | 4950 | 327 | 3078 | 291 | 1872 | 36 | 1908 | 3369 | 1994186 | 249 | 99.2576 | 99.8459 | 54.7688 | 13.2841 | 99.9854 | 12.0401 | 88.4561 | 99.8313 | 51.3317 |
wgsim | bowtie2 | freebayes | 197 | 1886 | 271 | 14428 | 866 | 12738 | 866 | 1690 | 0 | 1690 | 13604 | 1983951 | 467 | 89.6076 | 99.3624 | 20.7184 | 0 | 99.9566 | 0 | 78.3495 | 99.3189 | 19.3685 |
wgsim | bowtie2 | gatk | 235 | 1886 | 271 | 3689 | 384 | 1970 | 175 | 1719 | 209 | 1928 | 2145 | 1995410 | 229 | 91.1452 | 99.9013 | 61.6681 | 77.1217 | 99.9912 | 63.8167 | 89.3834 | 99.8926 | 61.894 |
wgsim | bowtie2 | DeepVariant | 219 | 1886 | 271 | 8267 | 764 | 6395 | 537 | 1872 | 227 | 2099 | 6932 | 1990623 | 58 | 99.2576 | 99.6799 | 36.8758 | 83.7638 | 99.9731 | 43.8647 | 97.311 | 99.6529 | 37.5223 |
ngsngs | bowtie2 | bcftools | 182 | 1886 | 271 | 1923 | 187 | 78 | 155 | 1845 | 32 | 1877 | 233 | 1997322 | 280 | 97.826 | 99.996 | 96.8758 | 11.8081 | 99.9922 | 13.9737 | 87.019 | 99.9883 | 87.9775 |
ngsngs | bowtie2 | freebayes | 201 | 1886 | 271 | 2381 | 226 | 656 | 226 | 1725 | 0 | 1725 | 882 | 1996673 | 432 | 91.4634 | 99.9671 | 80.853 | 0 | 99.9886 | 0 | 79.9721 | 99.9558 | 72.4181 |
ngsngs | bowtie2 | gatk | 227 | 1886 | 271 | 1566 | 167 | 22 | 12 | 1544 | 155 | 1699 | 34 | 1997521 | 458 | 81.8663 | 99.9988 | 89.4553 | 57.1955 | 99.9993 | 70.7762 | 78.7668 | 99.9982 | 87.3521 |
ngsngs | bowtie2 | DeepVariant | 223 | 1886 | 271 | 2086 | 238 | 233 | 31 | 1853 | 207 | 2060 | 264 | 1997291 | 97 | 98.2502 | 99.9883 | 93.3031 | 76.3837 | 99.9984 | 81.3359 | 95.503 | 99.9867 | 91.9437 |
wgsim | vg giraffe | vg call | 254 | 1886 | 271 | 1590 | 258 | 22 | 18 | 1568 | 240 | 1808 | 40 | 1997515 | 349 | 83.1389 | 99.9988 | 90.2186 | 88.5608 | 99.999 | 90.7372 | 83.8201 | 99.9979 | 90.2871 |
ngsngs | vg giraffe | vg call | 276 | 1886 | 271 | 1577 | 256 | 8 | 16 | 1569 | 240 | 1809 | 24 | 1997531 | 348 | 83.1919 | 99.9995 | 90.615 | 88.5608 | 99.9991 | 91.0815 | 83.8664 | 99.9987 | 90.6766 |
Let's assume we want to run the workflow and see the results for the multiple samples below.
HG04153 female SAME1840299 BEB Bengali SAS South Asian Ancestry BEB 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release
HG03755 male SAME1839074 STU Tamil SAS South Asian Ancestry STU 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release
HG02401 male SAME1839415 CDX Dai Chinese EAS East Asian Ancestry CDX 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release
HG03366 female SAME1840066 ESN Esan AFR African Ancestry ESN 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release
HG00150 female SAME124591 GBR British EUR European Ancestry GBR 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release,1000 Genomes phase 1 release,Geuvadis
HG01961 male SAME1839067 PEL Peruvian AMR American Ancestry PEL 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release
HG00590 female SAME125009 CHS Southern Han Chinese EAS East Asian Ancestry CHS 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release,1000 Genomes phase 1 release
HG01097 male SAME122924 PUR Puerto Rican AMR American Ancestry PUR 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release,1000 Genomes phase 1 release
HG00276 female SAME123424 FIN Finnish EUR European Ancestry FIN 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release,1000 Genomes phase 1 release,Geuvadis
HG03259 female SAME1840303 GWD Gambian Mandinka AFR African Ancestry GWD 1000 Genomes on GRCh38,1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38,1000 Genomes phase 3 release,Gambian Genome Variation Project (GRCh38)
We can use the scripts.
To prepare samples
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG04153;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG03755;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG02401;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG03366;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG00150;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG01961;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG00590;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG01097;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG00276;
./ -r 20:30000000-32000000 -f NC_000020.11.fa -v ALL.chr20.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz -s HG03259;
To run all 26 workflows,
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m m -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m m -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m s -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m s -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m b -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c b -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c f -t 48
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c g -t 48 -i ~/singularity/gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
./ -r NC_000020.11.fa -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m b -c d -t 48 -i ~/singularity/deepvariant_1.5.0.sif
./ -r vgindex.giraffe.gbz -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s w -m g -c v -t 48
./ -r vgindex.giraffe.gbz -f "${1}.fa" -v "${1}.vcf.gz" -w "${1}.log" -l 100 -d 60 -s n -m g -c v -t 48
And to execute all
./ HG04153;
./ HG03755;
./ HG02401;
./ HG03366;
./ HG00150;
./ HG01961;
./ HG00590;
./ HG01097;
./ HG00276;
./ HG03259;
singularity pull docker://broadinstitute/gatk:
ls -sh
total 2.4G
2.4G gatk_4.4.0.0.sif
Running the tool
singularity run -B /${PWD}:/data gatk_4.4.0.0.sif gatk
Usage template for all tools (uses --spark-runner LOCAL when used with a Spark tool)
gatk AnyTool toolArgs
Usage template for Spark tools (will NOT work on non-Spark tools)
gatk SparkTool toolArgs [ -- --spark-runner <LOCAL | SPARK | GCS> sparkArgs ]
Getting help
gatk --list Print the list of available tools
gatk Tool --help Print help on a particular tool
Configuration File Specification
gatk forwards commands to GATK and adds some sugar for submitting spark jobs
--spark-runner <target> controls how spark tools are run
valid targets are:
LOCAL: run using the in-memory spark runner
SPARK: run using spark-submit on an existing cluster
--spark-master must be specified
--spark-submit-command may be specified to control the Spark submit command
arguments to spark-submit may optionally be specified after --
GCS: run using Google cloud dataproc
commands after the -- will be passed to dataproc
--cluster <your-cluster> must be specified after the --
spark properties and some common spark-submit parameters will be translated
to dataproc equivalents
--dry-run may be specified to output the generated command line without running it
--java-options 'OPTION1[ OPTION2=Y ... ]' optional - pass the given string of options to the
java JVM at runtime.
Java options MUST be passed inside a single string with space-separated values.
--debug-port <number> sets up a Java VM debug agent to listen to debugger connections on a
particular port number. This in turn will add the necessary java VM arguments
so that you don't need to explicitly indicate these using --java-options.
--debug-suspend sets the Java VM debug agent up so that the run get immediatelly suspended
waiting for a debugger to connect. By default the port number is 5005 but
can be customized using --debug-port
singularity pull docker://google/deepvariant:1.5.0
Example calling variant
tabix Sample_2.bam
singularity run -B ${PWD}:/data deepvariant_1.5.0.sif /opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type=WES --ref=/data/GRCh38_chr20.fa --reads=/data/Sample_2.bam --output_vcf=/data/dp_sample_2.vcf
For GPU version
singularity pull docker://google/deepvariant:"1.5.0-gpu"