This tool unites components of the Kubernetes ecosystem:
- Cloud management (hosting the Kubernetes clusters)
- Kubernetes Cluster management
- Helm Chart deployment and deletion (via Landscaper)
- Kubernetes secrets (flow: [LastPass ->] Vault -> Landscaper -> K8S Secrets)
Optionally a command exists, pulls centralized shared secrets from LastPass into Vault.
- Cloud: terraform, minikube
- Cluster: GKE, minikube, unmanaged (unmanaged bypasses cloud setup)
Deploy k8s clusters + apps (Helm Charts) to:
- minikube
- Any other Kubernetes cluster to which you have credentials
It does this in a portable way, by abstracting cluster provisioning, and centralizing secrets in Vault
Apps are deployed via Helm Charts, with secrets kept in Vault until deployment
To apply a single namespace in landscaper, the command is:
landscaper apply -v --namespace=jenkins --context=minikube ./all/jenkins/jenkins.yaml
This requires environment variables set.
To read secrets from Vault and sets the secrets in environment variable(s)) use the landscape-cli wrapper tool:
# Run below while cd'd to landscaper directory root
export VAULT_ADDR=<vault server address>
landscape charts converge --cluster=minikube --namespaces=jenkins
- List all clouds stored in Vault
landscape cloud list
- List all clusters
landscape cluster list
- Converge cloud
landscape cloud converge
- Converge cloud then cluster
landscape cluster converge --converge-cloud
- Verify cloud, clusters, and charts can be pulled from Vault
for cloud_name in `landscape cloud list`; do
echo saw cloud ${cloud_name}
for cluster_name in `landscape cluster list --cloud=${cloud_name}`; do
echo saw cluster ${cluster_name}
landscape charts list --cluster=${cluster_name}
for cluster_name in `landscape cluster list`; do
echo saw cluster ${cluster_name}
for cloud_name in `landscape cloud list --cluster=${cluster_name}`; do
echo saw cloud ${cloud_name}
Applies to minikube clusters
If set, HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY will be used for docker image caching
Run squid on your local machine for fastest results
brew install squid && brew services start squid
Set up your local ~/.bash_profile:
cat << EOF > ~/.bash_profile
DEFAULT_INTERFACE=`netstat -rn | grep default | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
DEFAULT_IP=`ifconfig $DEFAULT_INTERFACE | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'`
export https_proxy=http://${DEFAULT_IP}:3128
export HTTPS_PROXY="$https_proxy"
export http_proxy="$https_proxy"
export HTTP_PROXY="$https_proxy"
export no_proxy=http.chartmuseum.svc.cluster.local,
open a new shell to use these environment variables
python3.6 -m venv ~/venv
source ~/venv/bin/activate
# Install landscape tool
pip install --upgrade .
# install prerequisites
landscape setup install-prerequisites
## Bootstrap local setup
Deploys to local docker containers:
- hashicorp vault
- chartmuseum Helm chart server
## Git Branch Subscriptions
- clouds are tied to git branches for a terraform repo [terraform repo](terraform-templates)
- clusters are tied to git branches for a landscaper chart repo [landscaper repo](charts)
The landscape tool in this repo is careful not to apply git branches
to the wrong clusters and clouds, unless forced on the command line with --force
## Getting Started (cloud-mode via Terraform)
- Add Jenkinsfile to a Jenkins job
- Open https://http.jenkins.svc.cluster.local in your browser
## Command-line cluster-specific provisioning
### minikube
- Import minikube ca.crt into your MacOS keychain
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/.minikube/ca.crt
- deploy cluster (minikube + helm charts)
Pulls secrets from LastPass and puts them in a local dev-vault container
Serves Helm Chart repo in a local dev-chartmuseum container, backed by GCS
- terraform
- list clusters
landscape cluster list
- deploy cluster (GCE/GKE terraform template + helm charts)
make CLUSTER_NAME=gke_staging-123456_us-west1-a_master
landscape charts converge --git-branch=${BRANCH_NAME} --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} --converge-cluster --converge-cloud
- Verify that the cluster is running by issuing the command:
kubectl version --context=${CONTEXT_NAME}
- generate OpenVPN profile to connect to the cluster
helm status openvpn-openvpn | grep -v '^.*#' | sed -e '1,/generate_openvpn_profile:/d'
Copy and paste the output into a shell to generate a Viscosity profile setup
open the VPN profile (it has a .ovpn extension)
Username and password are what is in Vault /openvpn/ sub-key
helm status openvpn-openvpn # copy the create_viscosity_profile section # and run it in your shell open minikube-master.ovpn # Import Viscosity profile into MacOS
Open https://http.jenkins.svc.cluster.local in your browser
## Prerequisites
Should be installed automatically, if missing
- kubectl
- vault
- helm
- vault
- minikube
- landscaper
- [Google Cloud SDK](
For docker auth config on MacOSX, your ~/.docker/config.json file must
have the `"credsStore": "osxkeychain"` line removed. Then run `docker login` to
the registry you want to use for docker images. The file will be copied in as
part of the minikube start-up.
## Credentials
LastPass credentials are used to retrieve a shared set of secrets
These secrets are then passed into Vault - used for Terraform and Helm secrets
## Vault paths
## Troubleshooting
- Error messages
GCloud credentials failing
Failed to load backend: Error configuring the backend "gcs": Failed to configure remote backend "gcs": google: could not find default credentials.
This means you don't have GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS set. Run `gcloud auth activate-service-account` to remedy.
- minikube clock out of sync
minikube ssh -- docker run -i --rm --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i date -u $(date -u +%m%d%H%M%Y)
- chartmuseum helm chart server
Requires command `gcloud auth application-default login` having been run. Mounts your own google credentials json inside of the chartmuseum container.